

Ask @Millierawrz

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how did you get into anime?

Watched Sailor Moon, Pokemon and Dragon Ball as a kid
I was waiting for Pokemon to come on when I was 10/11 and Naruto was on before it and I watched it and I was amazed and I thought Sasuke was cute (lol) and I got really into it and it just grew from there

do @ opinions?

I've just pointed out to somehow how Jennifer Lawrence is racist, sexist, homophobic etc etc WITH EVIDENCE and the girl who i'm proving a point to said everything is twisted against her blah blah
Yes because when she said bisexual woman can't have kids because been bisexual is the same as been a lesbian that sure was 'twisted"
oh yes and according to this girl "cultural approprition is petty"

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I swear it starts soon
but the company who make it keep delaying it because they want to dub it straight away or something and i'm just like RELEASE IT WITH SUBS ALREADY, EREN SOUNDS WAY COOLER IN JAPANESE FFS
Liked by: Soy Sauce Kyle

would you stop watching Attack On Titan if Levi died?

I don't really know. Levi and Zoe are the only characters i'm really attached to and I can seriously see Zoe getting killed when she's experimenting with the Titans but I think as the characters develop more through the seasons i'll grow more attached to them so if Levi died i'd be super sad but i'd still watch it.
Liked by: Soy Sauce

do you think they'll ever kill Eren or Levi off in Attack On Titan?

It's very unlikely and it really annoys me that people keep calling it "Japanese Walking Dead" when no main characters have been killed off whatsoever and compared to Naruto there's way less feelsy deaths and way more main characters been killed off
Liked by: Soy Sauce

why don't you like jennifer lawrence?

Thinks that OCD is “cool” and “quirky”
That time she rubbed her butt all over a sacred rock formation in Hawaii because who cares about respecting Native cultures when you have an itch?
Also when told that her X-Men character Mystique was originally written as bisexual “No! That’s the first time I’ve heard that. She has kids, she has night crawlers, and she sleeps with Magneto! Unless I’m completely wrong, I mean, she is 100 years old, she definitely had time for a lesbian phase.” You know, because bisexual women don’t ever sleep with men or have children and bisexuality is a sexuality in it's own right not a "lesbian phase"
Also just learn about this today but cultural appropriation with fake dreds
Liked by: Soy Sauce

http://ask.fm/Millierawrz/answer/116927566621 The South Korean including this disgraceful gorilla doesn't know essence. History of lie and ugly, foolish, dirty South Korean. Plastic operation, prostitute, [wairo], lie, forcible, and imitation and origin insistence.

I didn't understand half of that but one person been an idiot doesn't mean the entire country is awful...
Liked by: Soy Sauce

no u are not jap but you are u eyropean u are japlover this is the land of the chosen u stop like japan japan has a monkey nation u know nothing you are ignorant

"japan has monkey nation"
yeah I know Japan has Super Saiyans and I fail to see how that's a bad thing
Liked by: Soy Sauce

naruto and attack on titan are bad because they are japanese and korea is superiro to japan because japan monkey country u are jap monkey

Just from the fact that you can't tell i'm white is enough for me not to take you seriously, not to mention all the other crap you spew
Liked by: Soy Sauce Anonymous

do those people not realise Naruto is one of the reasons Attack On Titan exists lmao

Naruto is pretty much the reason why we actually get a lot of anime and manga in the western world.
Naruto also inspired countless shonen manga which we probably wouldn't have today otherwise.
Liked by: Soy Sauce

I feel like your status on facebook about people talking to you about something you like is pretty mean, they're just trying to be nice

If you had people on a daily basis messaging you and either talking down to you or saying something like "Attack On Titan is way better than that shit Naruto :D" you'd get annoyed.
Honestly reading and watching Naruto got me through my stay in hospital, break ups, school stress and whatever else and it really pisses me off that because I enjoy Attack On Titan people assume they can talk shit about other anime/manga that I really love and it won't bother me.
I made this point before I was into SNK that the reason I wasn't keen on it was because of the fanbase and yes, i've met some amazing people through our love of it but the majority of the fans seem to think they're better than anyone else and SNK is like the holy grail of anime when it's not.
Yes, I love talking to people with the same interests as me but not when they're just going to be rude and disrespectful towards anything else

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Liked by: Soy Sauce


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