

Ask @Millierawrz

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Onision is basically herpes in human form like he literally told a kid that it was his fault he was been abused, mocked people for mental health issues, made some royally disgusting tweets regarding the Christina Grimmie murder mainly attacking her fans the majority of whom are kids, filmed his ex wife having a mental breakdown and posted it on his Youtube (Whether that was fake or not is kinda eh but even if it was fake it's royally fucked up that he'd fake his wife having a serious mental issue and then exploit it for views), filmed a bunch of other videos where his ex is literally telling him to stop filming and getting very upset about the whole situation and is generally just a complete fucking hypocrite of the highest order like he thinks he's doing a public service by calling people out when he's literally the biggest piece of shit on Youtube.
What Ricegum said was kind trashy but the woman he was talking to didn't have an issue with it and he seemed to laugh like I do when you're in an awkward situation and you don't really know what to say, I don't think it was meant with any malice and the fact Onision had to search however many years back to call out A FUCKING TEENAGER is really sad. Let's not forget that time Onision filmed a video saying he left his wife (Who I don't think is that much older than the legal age of consent and Onion boy is 30 but that's a whole other thing) because she wouldn't pleasure him in certain ways and went into a whole spiel about how he got some hooker off Craigslist to pleasure him or whatever but then expects people to take him seriously.

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When you feel sad, what cheers you up?

Boyfriend flies to Japan in 25 hours, haven't seen him in over a month and will barely be able to speak to him for the next two weeks
I love life

What would you do if you found a celebrity's phone?

Hand it in to the police. People who invade celebrity's privacy are such pieces of shit, Key from SHINee had his Kakao Talk details leaked and obsessive fans were calling him at 4am when he is super busy and when he'd had enough and called them out on it they kicked off on Twitter saying he'd be nothing without them like get off your high horse and have some respect for someone you apparently idolise

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@ (my recent pls don't kill me)

So I think I've only found you on here recently but you seem so educated and your answers are always great and you're really pretty too
Liked by: Alice Jackson Zed

Do you think Theresa May will make a good prime minister?

Well she has a track record for voting against bills that would improve the lives of young people and she voted against a bunch of things for the LGBT community like same sex adoption, IVF should require a male model and has been absent from a bunch of gender equality votes so as someone who isn't straight and is young you tell me.

Post a picture that makes you proud of your country?

I'm not proud of my country in the slightest like reports of hate crimes went up something like 52% after Brexit was announced and we think we're this huge empire that we were 100 odd years ago when we're not and it's embarrassing

If you could invent a holiday what would it be?

The dude who I bought my pc off on Ebay is driving from near Liverpool to deliver it which is like 100 miles and part of me is like "what a nice dude, don't get enough people like that in the world" and the other half of me is like "HE'S GONNA DEMAND MORE MONEY WHEN HE GETS HERE FOR DRIVING AND HE WON'T GIVE ME MY PC TILL I PAY HIM" like ?????

£5 of the benefits you fraudulently claim?

I haven't been claiming DLA (The one and only benefit i've ever claimed) for about a year now considering my circumstances have changed .
One thing that makes you eligible for DLA is "need supervision to avoid putting yourself or others in danger" I was in hospital for nearly a year when I was 15 under constant supervision so I didn't harm myself and I was allowed out when there was some improvement and they were satisfied that with the supervision I could get at home I wouldn't be in danger. My mum had to cut back the hours she was working which is why we started claiming because we would literally be homeless without that money.
I'm not at the point where people are worried that i'm going to chug the first bottle of bleach I see anymore so we're not claiming anymore lmfao but please keep sending me ignorant crap, genuinely quite amusing

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Liked by: Alice Jackson jacqui

What is something you want right now?

My mum's boyfriend spends all his benefit money on placing bets but I spend £5 on some kpop posters with money I earn at my job and I get lectured on how i'm obsessed and it's making me irresponsible with money
Someone pls explain
Liked by: Alice Jackson

PAP your favourite Pokemon!

There's a show on channel 4 at the moment called Love Child about women who got pregnant outside of marriage in the 60s and were forced into homes to hide the fact they were pregnant and then had their babies literally snatched from them when they gave birth and it's like one of the best shows i've watched in forever but it's also really really pissed me off and this matron woman who owns this home is such an utter bitch and i'm so stressed for next weeks episode


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