

Ask @Millierawrz

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If you were granted an autograph from anyone, who would it be?

I have One Ok Rock's and BTS' autographs already but i'd like to actually meet BTS and get autographs
Also want Hajime Isayama to sign my Attack On Titan colossal edition manga

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What's the best concert you've ever been to?


If you could spend the next year living anywhere in the world, where would you go?

Literally every time I watch Wild China I just die a little inside because it's so beautiful and i'd love to be there but like Japan is my dream home for many many reasons and has been since I was a little kid so

Guessing work hasn't improved?

Ok there is like 110 things wrong with where I work but let me tell you about this absolute jackass I unfortunately have to work with.
Like in the first week of working there I talked to this dude for literally 15 minutes and he asked me out on a date and even if I was single i'd have said no because that's creepy af then the day after he was a huge asshole to me obviously because I said no (I was polite about it as well) and like he's asked about 15 girls out in the month the store has been open and has been hugely disrespectful about one of my friends saying he'd "like to fuck her because she's a gamer"
On top of all that crap I bought a new lip gloss on my lunch break one day and it's so cute so I put it on before I got back in work and straight away he comes up to me, standing way too close and says "Are you wearing lip gloss? Your lips look so sexy and succulent" and I was like holy shit and I practically ran into the stock room like who tf says that to someone ffs
so yeah I work with this utter creeper and writing this out made me want to vomit onto my laptop

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talk about something/someone that makes you happy

Attack On Titan is literally so amazing like I love every single damn character and ah I want them to be safe and alright and happy
Liked by: Alice Jackson abbie

I assume you'll be posting constant updates on facebook about stupid games nobody gives half a shit about this year again :)

Delete me if it bothers you that much then instead of getting salty over ask.fm buddy
You're about as dense as the people who complained about me posting Attack On Titan spoilers after I gave people the opportunity for me to hide them from the posts
Liked by: Alice Jackson

What cannot be forgiven?

What really pisses me off when someone in America is killed in something gun related a lot of people seem to bring up the knife crime rate of the UK to try and make out that if gun regulations are tightened people will just go around stabbing everyone and it's so disproportionate and ridiculous to use that as justification for not doing jack shit about a massive issue your country has

Hello, y'guys! How is everyone? I hope you are doing fine. ヾ(。>﹏<。)ノ゙✧*。

I'm exhausted from work and upset that a Youtuber i'm a fan of has passed away but i'm alright overall. Hope you're doing well too!

Name one thing you dream about at night!

Also my line manager at work watched Death Note and basically said it was shit and I really wanted to throw something at him omg
Death Note is like a religious experience holy shit
Liked by: Alice Jackson

What always sounds like a good idea but never actually is?

People are reporting me for posting Attack On Titan spoilers on Facebook even though I've made it very clear that I do post them monthly and that if you want me to hide the posts from you THEN TELL ME. I can't read minds and unless I'm aware that you like snk from you posting about it or whatever they I won't hide the posts from you jfc
Liked by: Alice Jackson

Raised, Glazed or Old Fashioned- what's your favorite donut?

Literally what the hell does most of this mean?
Like obviously glazed is where it's covered in icing
I'm chubby af and I like food, any donut is a good donut imo
Liked by: Alice Jackson


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