

Ask @Millierawrz

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i don't get how you can afford to buy the clothes you wear, they're all so expensive

the most expensive clothing I own are my vans which cost £80 because they're limited edition Hello Kitty ones. that isn't that expensive....

Awesome got any gigs lined up later year

Avenged Sevenfold
Children Of Bodom
I usually go to more but i'm saving for my download ticket

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i paid £40 for my Criminal Damage skinny's o.o

my newest ones which are the ripped ones were £35 but I have about 6 different pairs and they've all been £25

how can you afford to buy criminal damage jeans? they're so expensive

if you think £25 for a pair of decent skinny jeans is expensive you're clearly a pikey who gets clothes from lidl.

why were you in hospital under observation and stuff?

I basically got that much mental abuse from my ex after we split up that I had like a nervous breakdown and went a little mental and stuff
Liked by: beth ann.

anon, you're clearly fucking jealous that Millie missed so much school and still did well in her exams. get a grip you pikey, just because you probably failed everything you stupid little gimp.

this is why i let you sleep in my bed sometimes ok<3

no but you think you're so fucking clever becasuse you jigged school for months

jigged school? you have got to be kidding me.
I was in hospital getting force-fed through a tube in my nose, having to have stitches like every other day, been under 24/7 observation.
i'd of rather been at school than any of that you little cretin.

you'rw a right swot

I'm a swot because I tried in my exams because I don't want to end up living off benefits on some council estate somewhere?
oh ok then
i should of just failed all my exams then

just casually sharing your drunken experiences Millie ;)

the time I fell asleep in the kebab shop on some old bloke

is it true you groped Connor Boyles when you were drunk?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA omfg, yeah I did
then when he asked why I did it i was like "because it's big"
I was groping everyone that night because my then boyfriend wouldn't have sex with me because I was that drunk
i'm such a twat when i'm drunk
Liked by: beth ann.

what happened the last time you got drunk?

i broke a tent
tried to summon satan
got groped by a fat kid
then gave someone head under a bridge and lost my socks
Liked by: Sean

how the fuck did that not kill you o.o

I think I had alcohol poisoning because I was puking up for like 2 days
and i'm not supposed to drink whatsoever because i'm on anti-depressants but you only live once so what the hell

what's the most alchol you've ever drunk?

last year in Turkey I had
a pint of cider
4 jagerbombs
6 jack and cokes
a sex on the beach fishbowl to myself
2 bloody marys
like 9 different cocktails
and straight vodka
I was really really ill
and I honestly couldn't walk, my brother had to carry me back to the hotel


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