

Ask @Millierawrz

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Hey i err kinda have feelings for you but i know u wont even like me back and dont know but i just want you to know that i like you but i cant say who i am as yano, youll probs take piss or we

In love with someone which pretty much everyone knows so yano

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What is your one major weakness?

I think I need to work on my motivation because I seriously can't be arsed walking upstairs to my bed bc i'm comfy on the sofa.
what even is life?

1) age? (2) favourite colour? (3) height? (4) single? (5) virgin? (6) wear thongs? (7) gave a blowjob? (8) had anal? (9) masturbate? (10) ever got your pussy licked? (11) what's your sexiest underwear like? (12 bra size? Answer this

Yeah I wear thongs
want a pic?

last person who shouted at you?

My dad because I made a really loud screamy noise at some woman in town and she jumped and my dad was like "fucking pack it in, everyone will think you're a retard"
such a great dad

what do your parents think about you cutting?

My mum tries to help but she sorta makes it worse.
Like she came into my room once and tried to pull my trousers and top up so she could look at my legs and stomach and she took all my nail vanish and stuff out of my room so I couldn't like OD.
Then my step dad gets all freaky and shit

We should both mitch lucker stomp it

I do have a little bit of advice, go to gigs if you can. They help take your mind off it.
After download festival I didn't cut for like a month because I was just so hyped about it.

What advice you give to someone who was trying to recover from self harming but kept relapsing?

I'm probably not the best person to ask because I relapsed this week so >.<
Chin up though lovely, hopefully we'll both kick this

R u a girl or boy?

I'm a boy with a vagina and boobs who's wearing a dress and heels in his profile picture.


A guy I used to go out with got me it for Christmas in 2011, I think he got it in Manchester though.


Language: English