

Ask @Millierawrz

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He isnt yours silly hes mine, and why the fuck dont you like muse?!:O

just really don't whatsoever, never have
Liked by: Mikey

Leave Millie alone, for fuck's sake. She hasn't said anything bad about people with a disease, she just said that people say members of their family have a disease for attention which is true and it's pathetic that some people do that. Stop being so butthurt.

EXACTLY! this site is full of idiots tbh
Liked by: Not Kurt Cobain..

Do you like muse? And daryl is my boyfriend sorry

not one bit -.-
no he isn't
he is mine
mine all mine

why are you been horrible about people with down syndrome?

Please point out where I have said anything horrid about people with down syndrome? :)
I haven't have I.
I said people on ask just get a random photo of some kid suffering from it for attention and likes.

well I have a relative with down syndrome and it's not for attention

one minute it was progeria now it's down syndrome
unlucky family you have :)
it clearly is for attention if you're banging on about it online, you're clearly looking for attention and sympathy.
my brother has ADHD, I don't mention that 24/7 for attention do I?
Liked by: Soph✌

my sister actually has progeria.

I highly doubt she does considering it is an extremely extremely rare disorder and the only reason everyone knows about it is because Adalia Rose's mum whores her out for attention.
Liked by: Emillie

what annoys you about ask.fm?

everyone suddenly seems to have a relative with progeria or down syndrome and says "like if you think they're still beautiful even with a problem"
you know if I didn't know better i'd say they were begging


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