

Ask @Millierawrz

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What would you bring to a picnic?

just seen a video of a woman with a massive purple fruit shoved up her vagina
brb while I rip my eyes out and puke
Liked by: Eilaahh

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Where is the scarcest place you have ever traveled to?

Flo Rida concert -.-
I wanted to hang myself

If you could date anyone ,from anywhere unconditionally,who would it be? (no rules,laws, aslong as they're human..)

Danny Worsnop.
No need to think about it

why are considered beautiful valued more than thise who aren't? why is this a rule? who created the rule that he or she with a crooked nose, the higher weight, the flawed skin, the mishapen lips, considered less important than those without? who made up these rules?

I am fucking wankered
you're all fuckable

name 10 of the prettiest girls you have as a friend on facebook? :)

Meg Fairburn
Bella McEvoy
Alice Carter
Scarlett McHale
Courteney Nicholson
Adrienne Blackburn
Megan Rayner
Amelia Knight
Laurie Myers
Jess McEvoy
Karina Brown
Alice Jackson
I know that's more than 10 but ya know

I am helping Fake Bake find 6 REAL WOMEN for their new ad campaign. Got what it takes? Apply now

I would be such a good fake tan model

ust seen a guy stand up to get off the bus and has the biggest and thickest line of sweat from his ass crack I have ever seen, beaut.

brb while I puke my breakfast up

who was the prettiest 5 people in school? even if you hated them be honest x

Scarlett McHale
Courteney Nicholson
Jenny Glynn
Kerry Price
Danielle Phillips
ngl I like all of them


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