

Ask @Millierawrz

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You are being sarcastic? Do you think this is all a joke? Seriously watching TV is like talking a black marker to your third eye...

oh fuck off with your illumanti bollocks
you'll never get laid you know...just saying

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“I think perhaps all of us go a little crazy at times.” —Robert Bloch, Psycho

i've seen the film ahaha

Who do you think did 9/11

terrorists obviously
and if you say it was an inside job, please leave you absolute mong

Illuminati is al load of fucking bollock, oooooh woah fucking triangle how deep and symbolic!look at me every one theres an egyptian drawing of an eye definately means the anti christ will rise soon,even though egyptians were aroud 3900 odd years before jesus was born ,yes they are all realated,defo

high five to you my child

This wicca religiom interest me, tell me more about the part of it you follow?x

well there's different branches of wicca and I practice Draconic Wicca, the study of the way of the Dragon, using Dragon Magick, and being a Dragon Magi. The difference between Dragons to those who follow The Dragon Path and other Pagans is that not only do Draconian Wiccans believe the creatures represent Wisdom and Balance, but also that it holds deity eminence when included in ceremonial magick. While dragons in all Pagan traditions are revered, they do not usually reach deity status

OMG RAIN! 、ヽ`ヽ`、.``☁、ヽ` 、ヽ`、 ヽ`、``、`ヽ`、ヽヽヽ、 ヽ`ヽ``、ヽ``、ヽ`、ヽ、ヽ` ヽ、、ヽ`、、ヽ`、.`ـ、ヽ` ☁、ヽ``☁、ヽ`ヽ、☁ヽ`ヽ `☁ヽ、 ``、ヽ`、、`☁、ヽ☁` `、ヽ、、ヽ、``、☁、、ヽ、 ヽ、 、ヽ`` 、ヽ、、ヽ` ヽヽ、ヽ☁ヽヽ、ヽ`、☁``、`ヽ`、ヽヽヽ、 ヽ☁`ヽ` `、ヽ ``、☁ヽ`、ヽ、ヽ`☁ヽ、、ヽ`、、ヽ`、.、ヽ`ヽ`、.``、ヽ` 、ヽ`、 ヽ`、``、`ヽ`、☁ヽ、 ヽ`ヽ``、ヽ``、ヽ`、ヽ、ヽ`☁ヽ、、ヽ`☁、ヽ`、.`ـ、ヽ` 、、ヽ``☁、ヽ`ヽ、、ヽ`ヽ `、ヽ、 ``☁ヽ


You're actually one of the only people that I've seen on ask that share the same religion as me, nice to meet you^-^!

i'm not alone yeeeey :D
nice to meet you too :3

Spells do not exist! This is highly amusing!

you're just ignorant, I have nothing against athiests except when they start spewing ill informed bullshit about my religion at me. do your research as you clearly know nothing about the wiccan faith

Why do you have a religion. Science is proven!

*face fucking palm*
you clearly know nothing about wicca if you have to throw the whole science argument at me, considering the branch of wicca I follow has scientific aspects and basically the main teaching of the branch I follow is to have respect for nature so leave with your crappy atheism if you know nothing about my religion

Why are you a wiccan? -.-

because that is what I choose to believe in.
wow society is bullshit when you constantly have your religion questioned

You think nature is linked with a "spiritual force" HAHAHA what the heck! Science bitch!

there's 100's of branches of wicca mate
do your research

what annoys you?

just someone I dislike anyway and they keep lying and I want to stab them with a blunt spoon tbph


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