

Ask @Millierawrz

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Would you do anything with his old mates then when he was younger?

No because they were all cunts.

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Would you ever do anything (sexual) with one of your brothers mates or have you ever at any age?

He has like one mate which is James Barber and I'd rather eat cat puke than do out with him

What cheers you up when you're down?

Marilyn Manson interviews
An Idiot Abroad
Oli Sykes
Best friend
this certain guy :')

Perfect boyfriend in detail?

Pretty protective but not possessive
some musical talent
piercings,tatts,stretched ears
sense of humour
can deal with my trust issues
excessive neck kissing omf
similiar music taste to me because I am a major cunt to people who slag off bands I love
would see bands live with me
just someone with a sweet personality who won't mess me around

Just want you to know you're not fat trust me! I know I am, and you're nowhere near fat you have a nice body so flaunt it gurrl! you seem to have lost weight recently anyway which is a plus :) I hope you end up with this lad if he makes you happy, you deserve it after the crap you've been through xx

Awh thank you very much sweetheart :') proper cute xx

What's making you happy lately?

The most perfect boy keeps calling me baby and said he'd sing Crash by You Me At Six to me
Nawwwwh it's so cute :')

if you had to say a motivational but really awesome speech at your graduation, what would you say?

"we fucked up bigger than any generation before us, WE WERE BEAUTIFUL"
Misfits :3

I swear most of your asks are you, sending them to yourself, so you can reply with cocky comments, and also so it looks like you get a load of attention. Hahahahahahahahahahaha

Well then you're giving me attention so cheers :)

Carnt believe u didn't say anything bout getting fingered just bout your leggings lol top bird!

Am classy as fook
wud b more romantic if it was behind lidl


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