

Ask @Millierawrz

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Thought you were prettier before you dressed scene

okay, firstly I am not scene and do not dress scene. I dress however I like.
Secondly I've dressed like this since year 7 so ya know

laaawl emo

brb while I cry listening to My Chemical Romance and write in my diary about how my life sucks and my parents hate me

Do you wear studs or rings in your lip?<3

studs,I think rings look better on boys tbh. only thing about studs is losing the balls off them -.-<3

How did you amd alex meet?

I went to see a friend play at this halloween gig and this other band was on and I was like "oh that singer is pretty good looking" then he started singing about Pokemon and I slightly melted :L it took me like 3 months to have the guts to say anything to him though then when I did we got talking and he liked me back then we went to the cinema and he asked me out :D <3

Tbh, I think you are beautiful and need to ignore the haters on here! You not fat, not at all! Also did it hurt getting your lip pierced? I really want mine doing, but I'm scared!;(<3

Thanks :) it doesn't hurt at all and i'm really bad with needles. It just feels a bit weird but it's over quickly <3

wearing a fucking load of foundation looks grim clearly you have the right idea not wearing loads. you also don't talk like a complete chav. I see you around school a lot and i'm in a few of your lessons and you're really smart and you look cute when you puff up your hair and put eyeliner on :)

awhh thank you :3 i'm not that smart i'm just good at english and biology. i haven't backcombed my hair for school for ages though

dont listen to any of the shit you get!

I don't :L I can tell not one person knows the definition of a "slag" considering it's obvious i'm not one :L

do you have to share every single fucking question that no one realy gives a shit about?

don't have to have me on fb mate

slag.... An individual who cares not for relationships beyond the realm of the sexual, these people sleep with many partners not caring about anything save for the moment of climax.

i'm clearly one after only sleeping with alex this year

Poor responce then, clearly you should be able to see it mean't to say 'details' ill let you off though, i have a soft spot for the more overweight members of the public!

mean't, are you special? *i'll. thing is my bmi is fine so i'm not overweight so ya know

your a bigger slag than most of the girls at our school, awks for you...

clearly when I can keep my legs shut....


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