

Ask @Millierawrz

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Would you rather be a vampire or a werewolf?

I've been looking for the perfect phone case for months and I think I just found it

tips on how to survive freshman year in highschool?

Don't be a shit to teachers
Actually do work even of it doesn't go towards your final grade
Make a schedule
Make sure you get enough sleep
If you need help ask, that's what teachers are there for
Downloading textbooks is your friend
Liked by: nova

Howl's Moving Castle is my favourite, Howl is adorable oml

I haven't watched it in forever though
I definitely need to get all the Ghibli movies on dvd tbh
Liked by: Andie

I still don't have a staff shirt and I've been working their for like 5 months x'D so are you still on trial at the moment?

Josh Spencer-Taylor
I'm on trial till next Tuesday and then my hours get reduced to between 16 and 24 which is great because i'm going to be exhausted this week

Imagine if ask.fm expierenced a glitch or a hack that revealed all anon questions? How would this affect you? Seeing the users for everyone who's sent you hate or nasty comments, but also all the stuff you've sent on anon is revealed as well? STAIF

I don't ask questions on anon so it's not really a biggy for me
I'd be curious to see who the asshole is who's been stalking me for 8 months straight though
Liked by: Matt


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