

Ask @Millierawrz

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How long can you know someone before you can call them a friend?

I call people on Tumblr my friend's and cats I meet on the street my friend's so

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Could you consider yourself ever getting tattoos or piercings? If so, which and why?

I have 5 piercings and 1 tattoo and I kinda want more tattoo's but I don't really plan on anymore piercings
I'll probably end up with an Attack On Titan tattoo and i've been wanting something from Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess for ages
Liked by: nova

What types of questions do you like to answer?

Stuff about anime, things that make me think and I can actually write a detailed answer idk

Where else did you want to move then?

I was considering Germany for quite awhile and it's basically my back up plan if things don't really go smoothly for wanting to move to Japan so
Liked by: Laurz

I'm curious why you're so adamant about moving to Japan because this whole obsession with anime will wear off in a few years

Screw you :))
Wanting to move abroad has nothing to do with the fact I like anime and if you even bothered to ask me about why I want to move you'd know that there's actually a few countries I was considering moving too, it just so happens that 4/5 years of researching into what I want to do with my life has given me the opinion that Japan is the best place for me. If that place happened to be France, then i'd probably be going there instead.
I seriously have to deal with my mother's asshole of a boyfriend degrading me and putting me down for wanting to move and it's gotten to the point where i've considered doing some really st*pid crap to myself because I felt like I wouldn't amount to anything and I really don't want some annoying little brat online who knows nothing me and my life trying to do the same so send me anything like this again and you will be blocked.

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Liked by: Laurz

Are there any brands or companies that you boycott? Why do you refuse to do business with them?

There's a milkshake bar in my town and I refuse to buy anything because I tend to stutter if i'm talking to someone I don't know and while I was ordering the dude who was serving me blatantly took the piss out of me for stuttering to my face and when another member of staff came in from the back room he did an impression of me all while I was in hearing distance
Liked by: Laurz

Have you update your Juuzou story yet?

I'm currently in the process of re-reading some chapters of the manga and re-watching some episodes because research but i'll probably put a chapter up later today
I've had writer's block for a while and I was having a depressive episode so I really didn't want to do anything with it because it probably wouldn't have helped my frame of mind

What is the most overplayed song of all time?

Ok so I sorta mentioned how much I love the people who make the Harvest Moon series for been so open with their characters and I've just found out that you can change your gender at will in Rune Factory 4 and you can change your name as many times as you like so it's great for people who are fluid + the "male" character is pretty androgynous anyway and it also means you can be gay and i'm super happy with this game right now
Liked by: Laurz

kako se osjecas danas

Seriously just ask me questions in English, Japanese or French because you'll get ignored and I feel like an ass

What's your story? (Sent To All I Follow)

I'm just some dude who likes anime, pets whatever cat I set my eyes on and is surprised that i'm not dead yet
Liked by: alex Llama

Is it a good thing to have ambition?

I really don't understand people who have nothing wrong with them but have literally no motivation to achieve anything with their life whatsoever
Like as someone with a fair few disorders it's kind of hard for me to push myself to do stuff and like i'd kill to be able to just set my mind on something and do it
Yes, I think ambition is important because I feel like otherwise you're just rotting your life away

PAP of the sunset today? Or PAP of the sunset from a previous day!

Me and my friend convinced his mum that anime is illegal and she was freakin’ the hell out thinking some task force was going to smash the door down because we were watching Tokyo Ghoul

What is the perfect number of hours to sleep?

I don't even know
Why the fuck am I even awake right now???


Language: English