
Mindy Kay Powers

Ask @Minderz95

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What’s one mistake you keep repeating?

Picking up a good book. Or falling for a guy I have zero chance with.

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What are your plans for tonight?

Christmas Eve tradition: we spend the evening with family friends, eat tamales and beans and rice, listen to Christmas music, and wait for Santa. (Yes, the family is Mexican :) )

What does the life you want to live look like?

Successful author, teaching at a prestigious university, possibly head of the English department at said university, loving family, great friends, Doctor Who doesn't end until long after I die, and preferably married to David Tennant, Matt Smith, Benedict Cumberbatch, Chris Evans (Captain America), Liam and Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston, Jamie Campbell Bower, Tom Felton, Matthew Lewis, Andrew Garfield, and Robert Downey Jr. At the same time. Obviously it would be a very large bed. :)

If there was a band that was broken up, and they would put on one more show just for you and friends, what band would it be? If you can't choose just one, top 3.

Do the bands have to be already broken up?

Would you date yourself if you were someone else?

Well duh. What would you expect people to say to a dumbass question like that???

How to make a woman happy?

I dint know about women in general, but to make me happy, just be funny and sweet, a little sarcastic and sassy, smart, open to new things, and buy me books. And coffee. Or tea. Coffee or tea and books will always make me happy. :)

What makes you strong?

Knowing that I have friends and family who will love and support me no matter what. Knowing that wherever he is, my Daddy still loves and believes in me, and I stay strong for him; I stay strong to make him proud of me, and to make it known to people and to myself that I may bend, but I will not break, and I can handle anything people throw at me, because my Daddy gives me my strength to get through the day without crying and breaking.

Do you like dogs?

I have 2. I love my baby, the little one, to death. I could do with my mum's dog, the fat Jack Russell, but yes, I love dogs. ❤

Are you a trans-gender ?

Hahaha! No!!! That is so laughable!!! Not that I have anything against transgenders, they're awesome, that's just so not me. Why would you ask that?

What do you think people think of you?

Do I look like I give a shit what other people think about me? Answer? No fucks given.


Language: English