

How did u become so good in English? :))

good question :D
even i think i am not so good at it :$
let me tell u this :D my father told me once " the best way to learn a language that's by saving a songs about this language and know what every single word means "
when i was 11 years old i was hating English so much .. and hate who talk in it >.<
so that age i loved my English teacher but not the language,and i was in love with Disney :P that is on Mbc3 :P
so because those things, i liked it .. and told my parents to registration me at a Languages Institute ,, and i started to learn and listening to English songs and save it ,, until now i learn by the songs :D .. and in the moves i repeat their words and see what the meanings :D

now i listening to Turkish songs :P >.< you know +_+
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Language: English