

Ask @Mitthesmartys

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why did you transfer to nyp?

Rather than retain for another year in jc, I thought maybe poly is a better route for me. Although nyp is not my choice of poly, but I've met a great bunch of people in nyp. I've got to say that they are the most hardworking, sociable and least judgemental bunch of faggots and cunts I have ever met.

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When was your lowest point in life and what helped you get out of that phase?

Honestly, I was once a victim of bullying case. Once an outcast, once a loner, once outcast by girls and judged by teachers. I was once a student who fail all subjects and became last in the class. I was also once got punished by teachers and lectured by principal. Also, I had became a theft.
But all of these, I don't considered it as my lowest point. I take it as my learning process. ;)
Liked by: Denise ❥ Trina

Would you rather celebrate your birthday with a GIANT party with tons of people (all you know) and the booze flowing, or a sit down Dinner with closest friends and family?

A little bit of both. When I'm in high spirit, I have to celebrate my birthday with a big group of my friends. At times, I feel like there is a need to have a simple dinner with my family and closest friends.
Liked by: Denise ❥

How do I feel genuinely happy and sad at the same time? Cause I'm really sad now and I wanna be happy for that person.

Er... you can't feel happy and sad at the same time. That's difficult. Unless you pretend to be happy in front of everyone and feel sad when you're alone. That's different. To feel happy for that person, make that person to be happy.

What are your standards for guys?

Knowing what to do the right things at the right time. The one who knows themselves very well, who has plans for everything. They know ehat they are doing. A person who knows how to prioritize their stuff.

it iss bratpack not bratspack dun even know how to spell you own workplace

For your own record, "is" not "iss" , "don't" not "dun" and you(r). Damn, you need to learn how to type properly. and see, people do make mistake at times.
Liked by: Denise ❥


Kah Poh
kapok! okays, that's a weird yet cool name! I don't know you well enough to describe you. someone whom I cannot recognize in the street, although you are in snowroaches flabby group chat.
you have a soft spoken voice which misled me into thinking you as a gay. but you are straight, I'm pretty confirmed about that. Haha. and you are someone who is nice to talk with.
oh and you are friendly and seems to be one of the Mr pops group. ^^


becca! she is my queen b! hahaha!
I noticed you ever since last year. I mean because you are hanging around with Esther and that you are a friend of my classmate. and one more, you resemble my cousin which makes me feel like to cuddle you.
I always wanted to know you and cuddle you, but I don't dare because of your face.
You have a big boobs and butt! you look pretty and super friendly! (above all, are before I get to know you in person.)
when I know you through eteam, ltc (not sure if you had attended) and lastly fmo, you are crazy and friendly. someone whom I can rest assured, stay calm and not awkward around. You are super duper friendly and likeable. oh, I think i did not tell you this...sometimes you act like your age and there are times when you don't. which is cool and fun to discover.
I don't really know you in deep enough to describe your real personality/character. but hey, you are mysterious, friendly, funny and a girl who has god knows how many crushes plus eye candies she has. and up to date, she has 75 eye candies?
50 words are not enough to describe you, because I can type a long essay. you are somebody whom I am looking forward to discover all of your personality trails. ♡♡ love to my queen b.

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Alohahahaha! :P how many true friends do you think a person can make in his/her whole lifetime?

there is no definite answer. one can have as many true friends as they want to meet. but like I said, depends on one's luck. it can be fortunate to have many true friends that treat you with sincerity and being selfless.
Liked by: Hariz Tan Guan Quan

Do you think that you may accidentally swear at your future kids?

Yeah, I might...but I will try to control the usage of profanity
Liked by: Aspen

Hi you're cute. Y u no follow back ;)

The Instagram follower? Who are you? Give me five reasons why should I? Beside, I see an egg profile picture. My mom said cannot anyhow follow people. HAHAHAH and thanks for the compliment though.


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