Ask @MonaAdb

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ich hasse dich! du hast meine freundschaft zu ihr zerstört! wieso tutst du das? :((

Da fuck?! Ich hab gar nix! Bekomm dich wieder ein?!?! Meine Güte! Klär das persönlich mit mir! Aber nich hier...Internet macht anonym u know? Und im Ernst? Erklär mir erstmal den Sachverhalt gegliedert und in allen Einzelheiten und dann darfst du wieder schreiben.... Achso und welche Freundschaft soll ich zerstört hanen?? Sowas mache ich nicht, ich war noch nie eine Bitch, bin keine und werde es nie sein!

Hey can you Like some of my answers ??Please <3 Please i really need your Help :XX Thank you :)

I can ;) if you like some of mine okay? :D
Liked by: Tim

What do you look like when you wake up in the morning?

Hahah I don't know I don't watch in the mirror ;)
Liked by: Tim

Stellst dir selber fragen? Peinlich

Falls du es nicht weißt: ich bin mir nicht peinlich und mir ist nix peinlich. Ich habe den "-" gemacht, weil ich die falsche Version geschrieben hab und ganz ehrlich? Wenigstens frage ich andere Leute nich anonym dummes kind! Bevor du das nächste mal sowas schreibst denk erstmal nach... also wenn du ein "-" ls Frage verstehst.. Du hast davon keine Ahnung und wegen so nem dummen Kind wie dir rege ich mich jetzt unnötig auf.. Geh und vergrab dich mehr kann ich dazu nich sagen...


Na na na na na
Na na na na na
She takes your hand
I die a little
I watch your eyes and I'm in riddles
Why can't you look at me like that?
Na na na na na
When you walk bye I try to say it but then he looked
I never do IT
My tongue gets tied my words get trapped
I hear the beat of my heart gettin' loudrr whenever I'm near you!
But i see u with him
Slow dancin'
Tearin' me apart cos you don't see
Whenever you kiss kim
I'm breakin'
Oh how I wish that was me
Na na na na na
Na na na na na
he looks at you
The way that I would
Does all the things
U know that I could!
If only time could just turn back
Cos I got three little words that you know I've been dying to tell you!
But I see uwith him
Slow dancin'
Tearin' me apart cos you don't see
Whenever you kiss Kim
I'm breaking
Oh how I wish that was me
I dreamed:
With my hands on your waist while we dance in the moonlight
I dreamed it was me that you call later on cos you wanna say goodnight...
Cos I see u With Kim
Slow dancin'
Tearin' me apart cos you don't see...
But I see you with Kim
Slow dancin'
Tearin' me apart cos you don't see
Whenever you kiss him
I'm breakin'
Oh how I wish
Oh how I wish
Oh how I wish
That was me
Oh how I wish that was me ♡
Das ist die richtige Version haha der Anfang vom anderen war grade komisch xD

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Liked by: Tim


Und ja ich hatte langeweile xD hab noch ne andere Version davon :) sorry wenn ein paar Revhtschreibfehler drin sind, aberbich hab schnell mit dem Handy geschrieben :)
Na na na na na
Na na na na na
he takes my hand
U die a little
U watch my eyes and you're in riddles
Yeah I could look at you like that
Na na na na na
When you walk bye I try to say it but then you look
I never do IT
My tongue gets tied my words get trapped
I hear the beat of my heart gettin' loudrr whenever I'm near you!
But i see u with him
Slow dancin'
Tearin' me apart cos you don't see
Whenever you kiss kim
I'm breakin'
Oh how I wish that was me
Na na na na na
Na na na na na
he looks at you
The way that I would
Does all the things
U know that I could!
If only time could just turn back
Cos I got three little words that you know I've been dying to tell you!
But I see uwith him
Slow dancin'
Tearin' me apart cos you don't see
Whenever you kiss Kim
I'm breaking
Oh how I wish that was me
I dreamed:
With my hands on your waist while we dance in the moonlight
I dreamed it was me that you call later on cos you wanna say goodnight...
Cos I see u With Kim
Slow dancin'
Tearin' me apart cos you don't see...
But I see you with Kim
Slow dancin'
Tearin' me apart cos you don't see
Whenever you kiss him
I'm breakin'
Oh how I wish
Oh how I wish
Oh how I wish
That was me
Oh how I wish that was me ♡

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If you could listen to only one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?

It wouldn't be one song ;) it would be all 1D songs *-*
Liked by: Tim


Language: English