

Ask @MonaTenbusch

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Our band will never change. We will always be 5 singing idiots - Niall
Just because you're not perfect, doesn't mean you're not beautiful - Zayn
I think you have to take for me. I am who I am. - Harry
Life is funny, things change, people change, but you will always be you, so stay true to yourself and never scarifice who you are for anyone. - Zayn
Being single doesn't mean that you're weak, it means that you are strong enough to wait for what you deserve. - Niall
We don't mind having haters. As long as we have our girls, we are strong. - Zayn
In life, we always fall for the person that will never fall for us, always want something that we can't and always say things we shouldn't. - Zayn
It only takes a second to call a girl fat and she'll take a lifetime trying to sharve herself. Think before you act. - Harry
Life is a funny thing, one minute you think you can get everything, something comes along amd turn it all upside down - Zayn
I'd rathe play with a paper-airplane and be called a boy, them to play with a girls heart and be called a men - Niall
My Princess is on her way I have to wait - Niall
Live for the moment, because everything else is uncertain - Louis
Just because you don't have a prince, doesn't mean you're not a princess. - Zayn
If a man whistels at you, don't turn around, ignore him. You're a lady not a dog. - Niall
"NO!" Jimmy protested. - Louis
Simple but effective - Harry
it's on like donkey kong - Liam
Everytime you smile, I smile. And everytime you shine, I shine for you. - Liam
There is no such Thing as fat Girl. Every Girl is beautiful on her own way - Niall
Just because you have the flaws doesn't mean you aren't beautiful. - zayn
No matter how many People try to criticize you, the best revenge is to prove them wrong. - Zayn
A real girl isn't perfect and a perfect girl isn't real. - Harry
I think you have to take me for me. I am who I am. - Harry

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Liked by: Elena


I used to have water fights in the toilets and climb on the roof to get balls back. - Liam I once cried in a restaurant because the waitress told me I could not eat my soup with a fork, I had to use a spoon. - Liam
I smile and think; This is my job, this is what I do for living, and it's what I always wanted. - Liam
After a concert I realized that the bus was leaving without me so I was running and screaming and the boys though I was a fan. - Liam
I feel like Niall is my brother. I always think that he's the youngest in the band. - Liam
I try to be cool, but I'm not very good at it. - Liam
The U.S., out of all places, is just absolutely incredible. - Liam
Sometimes I think I would quite like to just go home - just chill out, play the field, be normal again. Just chill out. I am looking forward to having some time off though, and my girlfriend keeps telling me that we need to get away, go abroad somewhere, just to get away from everything. We'll see..... - Liam (noch mit Danielle :'( )
Got nothing to say, say nothing at all. - Liam
You gitta live hardcore to be hardcore. - Liam
I've always preferred having girlfriends to just seeing people. - Liam
Love is all about communication so we'd go hand-in-hand in a romantic stroll through the park and I'd buy her flowers. - Liam
The fans are always telling me I'm beautiful but no one will ever be as beautiful as them. - Niall
I'm the type of guy who could fall in love with any girl, because I love with my heart not with my eyes. - Niall
I'd rather play with a paper air plane and be called a boy than to play with a girl's heart and be called a man. - Niall
Anyone who is funny and doesn't take herself too seriously is attractive to me. Niall
Everyone deserves to feel good about themselves and if you don't, then start, because everyone is beautiful. - Niall
If a guy is taking his girl for granted, he really deserves a slap, with a baseball slap. - Louis
Changig is for weirdos. - Niall
I hate it when girls act stupid, because they think it's cute. - Niall
I always defend the people I love. - Niall
If you wanna go somewhere, you can do; nothing is stopping you. - Louis
Live fast, have fun & be a bit mischivous. - Louis
I'm waiting for my princess to come. I just have to be patient. - Niall
Sometimes the girls hug all boys except me & I jut smile but it hurts. - Niall
Live life for the moment because everything else is uncertain. - Louis
As long as we've got somewhere to sleep, a bowl of cereal and a colouring book, we'll be fine. - Louis
My ides for the future? To take over the world. - Louis
We're not perfect, we're not clean cut, we're just tryna be ourselves. - Louis
It's odd that girls ask if they can hug me. Don't ask, do it. I'm just a regular guy.
Always be nice to people. Whatever how bad they are to you. To show them you are not like them. - Louis

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Liked by: Elena


We're on the roof and I'm absolutely freezing my peanuts off! - Liam
When I was little, I always said that I wanted a brother, and now it's like having four of them. - Liam
Personally, the worst thing a boy can do to a girl is to ignore her while she's loving him with all her heart. - Liam None of our fans are ugly, everyones beautiful. - Liam
Cookies and milk all the way forward! It's all I need, cookies&milk and all you guys. - Liam
Dreams are like stars. You may never touch them. But if you follow them, they will lead you to your destiny. - Liam
Live your dream and never wake up. - Liam
It woul'd be great if we could employ someone to play games with us. - Liam
It's quite strange that the thing I want most is actually one of my biggest fears. - Liam
I used to have water fights in the toilets and climb on the roof to get balls back. - Liam I once cried in a restaurant because the waitress told me I could not eat my soup with a fork, I had to use a spoon. - Liam
I smile and think; This is my job, this is what I do for living, and it's what I always wanted. - Liam
After a concert I realized that the bus was leaving without me so I was running and screaming and the boys though I was a fan. - Liam
I feel like Niall is my brother. I always think that he's the youngest in the band. - Liam
I try to be cool, but I'm not very good at it. - Liam
The U.S., out of all places, is just absolutely incredible. - Liam
Sometimes I think I would quite like to just go home - just chill out, play the field, be normal again. Just chill out. I am looking forward to having some time off though, and my girlfriend keeps telling me that we need to get away, go abroad somewhere, just to get away from everything. We'll see..... - Liam (noch mit Danielle :'( )
Got nothing to say, say nothing at all. - Liam
You gitta live hardcore to be hardcore. - Liam
I've always preferred having girlfriends to just seeing people. - Liam
Love is all about communication so we'd go hand-in-hand in a romantic stroll through the park and I'd buy her flowers. - Liam
We're on the roof and I'm absolutely freezing my peanuts off! - Liam
When I was little, I always said that I wanted a brother, and now it's like having four of them. - Liam
Personally, the worst thing a boy can do to a girl is to ignore her while she's loving him with all her heart. - Liam None of our fans are ugly, everyones beautiful. - Liam
Cookies and milk all the way forward! It's all I need, cookies&milk and all you guys. - Liam
Dreams are like stars. You may never touch them. But if you follow them, they will lead you to your destiny. - Liam
Live your dream and never wake up. - Liam
It woul'd be great if we could employ someone to play games with us. - Liam
It's quite strange that the thing I want most is actually one of my biggest fears. - Liam

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Liked by: Elena

One Direction Zitate?!

When the trust is Gone, the Releationshio is gone. - Harry
I wish I had a girl to cuddel up at night rather than my pillow. - Harry
Tall girls are hot, little girls are cuties. - Harry
If the only way I can be with you is in my dreams then I want to sleep forever. - Harry
I travel around going through different experiences every day with four of my best friends, who I didn't two years ago, and now are as close as brothers. - Harry
It only takes a second to call a girl fat and she'll take a lifetime trying to starve herself, think before you act. - Harry
I think you have to take me for me. I am who I am. - Harry
I do miss having someone to spoil, someone that you can just sit with for a bit. - Harry
We have a Choice. To live of to exist! - Harry
Truth is, I don't mind getting a black eye or a broken arm for a girl as long as she's there to kiss it after. - Harry
I wake up so many mornings feeling so luckyand so gratefull to be where we are. - Harry
I don't need the perfect one. I just need somebody who will make me feel like I'm the only one. - Zayn
I don't know how to swim but if my girlfriend was drowning I would dive in to save her. - Zayn
Don't call a girl a flirt when she's just being nice,and don't call a girl obsessed when she's just in love. - Zayn
Never lofe live in fear of death. - Zayn
It doesn't matter how much you flirt the whole day, at night you always end up thinking about the one you truly love. - Zayn
You know you're in love when you think about someone else more often then you think about youself. - Zayn
Life is a funny thing, the minute you think yoou've got everythin figured out something comes along and turns it all upside down. - Zayn
None of you girld should ever be told you're not beautiful. Everyone is, no matter what, beauty is skin deep. - Zayn
In life, we always fall for the person, who will never fall for us, always want something that we can't and always say things we shouldn't. - Zayn
There comes a day when you realise turning the oage in the best feeling in the world, because you realise there's so much more to the book than the page you were stuck on. - Zayn
We don't mind having haters. As long as we have our girls, we are strong! - Zayn
No matter how hard life is, don't lose hope. - Zayn
It's cool to know that I can make girls faint. - Zayn
I want a girl who doesn't know she's beautiful, so I have an excuse to let her know that she is all the time. -Zayn
I once dreamed about a gigantic power ranger chasing me around. - Zayn
Life is not an mp3 where you can play what you want but life is an radio where you have to enjoy what's being played. - Zayn
Learn to appreciate what you have before time forces you to appreciate what you had. -Zayn
You've got to take risks if you want to find love. - Zayn
No matter how many people try to critize you, the best revenge is to prove them wrong. - Zayn
A girl can keep you on your toes, that's very attractive. - Zayn

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Liked by: Elena

Ich finde es scheisse dass sich die Elounor und die Larry Shipper gegenseitig haten oder runter machen :( (Nicht auf dich bezogen)

Was ich dazu sagen will: Mir ist es egal, ob Louis und Harry eine ROmance oder eine BROmance haben. Mir ist auch egal, ob Elounor wahr oder fake ist. Ich wünsche mir für beide nur, dass sie glücklich sind. Wenn Louis das mit Eleanor ist, dann freu ich mich für ihn, wenn er mit Harry oder sonst wem glücklich ist finde ich es auch gut. Ich bin glücklich wenn sie es sind. Deshalb würde ich auch niemals irgendwen haten! Keine Elounor shipper oder sonst wen. Denn KEINER weiß wie es wirklich ist, ausser sie selber. ┐(´•_•`)┌ Ich denke, dass jeder ein Recht zu seiner Meinung hat, aber sobald man anfängt zu haten, ist es echt übertrieben!Ganz ehrlich...Directioner gegen Directioner ist doch echt albern!
Also ja.. ich finde es auch scheiße..aber manche Leute wissen einfach nicht wo das reale Leben anfängt und wann es Zeit ist sich einfach mal raus zu halten. Seine Meinung sagen ist ja schön und gut, aber man muss nicht beleidigent werden. Das geht nicht nur an Elounor Shipper, nein, das geht genauso an Larry Shipper, die meinen, sie würden Louis und Harry helfen, dadurch, dass sie andere(auch Eleanor) haten!
Und ich finde es gut, dass du das so siehst :)

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