

Latest answers from Mikyuuii

i feel a little bad knowing you can understand how i'm feeling, cause, knowing how bad is it to feel like that i try not to make others feel this way....but you did anyway...but no, i'm sorry i should stop, now it's okay. if i will ever come to you again i'll let you know who i am ^^

Mmh as you wish. I'd rather discuss these things directly and not anonymously anyway. (^-^)

it's okay, i just have some complex on my own and that made me feel a little bit worse, but now that you answered me i'm fine. thanks!

If you wanna talk about it you can tell me privately, I have much to say about this topic, I believe. (?) I don't mean to make people run away. _| ̄|○

i wanted to be your friend, a long time a go. you used to disappear so quickly while i just wanted to have a proper conversation with you...could it be that you do this with people you don't like? it made me feel a little sad, like i was just bothering and annoying xD

I'm sorry I gave that impression. I do not want to ignore anyone, but on my Elly Mikyuuii Axo account I'm slow and lazy at replying, if someone is interested in talking to me they can do it though. I will try to reply quickly from now on, I guess. (__|||)

every time I try to talk to you, you avoid me, why do you act like that?

Whaaat? I don't think I avoid people, not intentionally at least. (?)

Language: English