
Cordelia Crescent

First, let me just say I gotta send you some much needed love! Second, easy one for you this time. Favorite Genre of Music, and Favorite Artist?

Crusader Anastrace
Thank you for the love! Here's a picture from Sakuya Angels that I saw on my friend's computer.
I looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove video game music. Specifically anything by Arc System or Atlus.
As for artist, um.......i dunno! Edmund's stuff is pretty awesome. And I really like Amber's stuff, but I'm biased because I have a picture drawn by her.
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Latest answers from Cordelia Crescent

How did people have fun 200 years ago?

Vigorous masturbation and hashtags created through sticks and wood

Remember when we used to tease you and call you cute here? On anon? Hi, you're cute. B)

Thanks, I know I'm cute. :3

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