
Cordelia Crescent

Ask @MostlyCordelia

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also btw maybe I lied about not following you on twitter. I will never tell. But now it's really goodbye, I don't want to be a stalker :)

Cordelia is cute
Well like you're sending conflicting messages.

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Can't tell you, sorry. That would ruin the game. But I'll tell you this: I don't follow you on twitter. I don't follow any of your friends on twitter. I don't know you. I'm calling you cute because 1) it's true! 2) It's fun to think of you blushing. Is that okay?

Cordelia is cute
M-my heart isn't just some plaything you know.

Well, you can't stop me this easily. Also congrats, you are the first person to disable anonymous questions because you got too many *nice* messages

Cordelia is cute
But I'm really not cute.

Good luck. I would be pleasantly surprised if you can manage that. Anyway, since this is a place for questions really: what do you like to do for fun?

I'll probably just disable anonymous questions. Then even if I get no questions, I won't have to worry about who thinks I'm cute because no-one will think I'm cute because they won't be able to say it anonymously.
As for fun, vidya games. And occasionally reading. And listening to a lot of rock music.

Nope sorry I'm not. While I do like telling random people on the internet how cute they are, I don't like to kiss random people on the internet, that would be waaay out of bounds for me. And yes it's your nose that's cute

I will track down the anonymity. No amount of lying about my cuteness will stop me

Yes and without your beard you look even cuter. A cute, adorable girl :)

i totally disagree but thank you <3 ;///////////////;

One day I will convince all the cute people who think that they are not cute that they are cute. Including you.

Good luck.


Language: English