
Megan Elizabeth Owens

Latest answers from Megan Elizabeth Owens

Does this sound like a break up? (Thanks for everything, you can keep everything but want my puck back soon, I'll leave your keys at your door)

Oh yeah kinda does

Girl how do you prepare for a baby shower. What are the rules? the "proper etiquette" as snobby people say. Is there a dress code or something? do I have to buy a specific gift? do you bring your own food? No I'm serious I've never attended one before, this my first time lmaoo

Neither have I ?

A real man will stay with you. When things get hard, he's not gonna say "You know what? I'm done." and leave you so easily. If a man really loves you, there's no such thing as you being "too complicated", "too clingy" or "too much". He'll be patient with you. He will stay and figure things out.

Amen 🙏

Language: English