
Mister Morgue

Ask @MrZackyV

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what can you do for it?

nothing, you just have to play it out, you cant salvage a friendship with a person who just doesnt seem interested.
you need to just learn to let them go because as you get older, friendships will just die off and you have to let them

Have you ever missed someone, like really missed them. Then they came back to you yet you still feel tension?

i have, its a very shite situation to be in

What worries you the most?

That one day I won't amount to anything and I'll be stuck in a hole that I can't seem to get out of because I'll be too lethargic to give a shit.

Eh here bekkah pal, don't listen to any fuckers who say/call you fucking shite, k. Peaceee

i can assure u that i dont
thank u

Ho of Paige, the weirdo in music? Bored as he'll and need something to keep me amused.

Bored as he'll aye???
I think you're absolutely fantastic. Your sense of humour is just brilliant along with your personality. You're such a good laugh and its fun to steal your shit in music tech srsly.
I can tell that you're the type of friend that if I had a problem, I could pop up to you and you'd help straight away and you don't get that quality in a lot of people.
I'm kind of irked that I hadn't befriended you sooner but w/e
I guess what you can gather from that is that I think you're pretty cool

Do you miss anyone, if so who are they to you?

I miss Becca, my close friend, I havent seen her much lately.
I miss Chelsey.
I miss Holly but I havent made any effort so I need to go see her.
I miss Luke, who I considered my closest friend for a while a few years back, we barely speak.
I miss Deren, my ex. Not because I want anything romantic to happen, but because I just miss his company yknow?
I miss Ryan Menzies. My pal. The king of hell. I havent seen that boy in fuckin ages yknow.
I miss my dad. I moved out about a year and a half ago and even though I still see him, its strange going from full time contact to barely any.
I miss baby sisters. Same applies.
I miss Jacob who I considered my best friend for a few years, we speak and shite but I miss how it was.
I miss shug, I blew him off on Saturday so its kinna my own fault.
There's shit tonnes more. Please don't ask me.

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ho pls I'm bored

You're super lovely and willing to help anyone with anything and that's a really good quality to have. You're tiny and I'm still confused as to how you managed to get those posters up but it's a cute kind of small ((I mean no offence)) but all round you're just a really good person with a heart of gold
Liked by: BeckyBee

Ho - Shug

In all honesty I think you're fucking fantastic and I'm sorry that you had to go through all the trouble you did to get me; I was a bit of a dick and I'm sorry.
You treat me like a fucking princess and you make me super happy.
I adore u.

Ho pls- Kirsty (it won't lemme log in)

I think you're fantastic, a true and loyal friend. And I'm sorry that I haven't been a very good friend lately, I'm just shitty when it comes to situations like this. i love you and I want you to be happy because you're super nice and hands down one of the best people I've met

Okay im on anon because i'm not comfortable talking about this. I have social anxiety that is fucking crippling, it means i get panic attacks whenever I have to leave the house to meet someone and I honestly hate social interaction so much. I have no fucking clue what to do i hate this

I'm aware of who this is
u should rly stop asking me questions around the same time u like my answers bc its a dead give away
message me dude, it's a personal thing and i want you to be able to talk to me about it personally
so message, me dude, I'll try help in whatever way I can and i promise you that i will not in any way make you feel uncomfortable

do you know who he slept with and do you hat her/ them

I do know the first person he slept with, and I did like her but lately I've come to dislike her due to things completely unrelated to Charley.

bet they were better in bed than you. no affence but you look fat.

Right okay 1) I look fat because I am fat and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that
And 2) You don't have to be skinny to be good in bed so fuck you


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