

Ask @Musicfreak3225

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likers get a short note: sup man i miss the fun we had last time bruh... we shud meet up soon! thanks for all the advice and atb in wadeva u do^^

Teng Ee
Haha thanks! Good luck with your future endeavours! Seeya soon!
Liked by: Teng Ee

Stop acting like you emo. Dun be attention seeker lah get a life

Congratulations, you have won the #1 idiot award
cuz honestly you have NO IDEA about me and yet in the most cunt and a total ball-less way possible, you are just being a keyboard warrior and sending hates LOLOLOLOL
Please unanon/DM to collect your f****ng price :D

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Tips for upcoming sec 1s?

OKAY GUYS First of all congrats coming to Bedok View and good luck for your secondary life (Well, in good and a bad way). I was from BV from 2011 to 2014
1) Don't act big and 'bully' seniors. You got to respect your seniors for their age etc. I mean there's a difference between just for the LOLs and asshole. Don't go crying when you get your ass kicked cuz... YOU deserved it :)
2) Don't try to act all grown up. You're just kids still, even though you're like 13 you are STILL a kid. You are still inexperienced, you have a lot more to learn.
3) Don't get into Relationships- well actually no it's fine but DON'T go sexually crazy at 13 and if you're in relationship cherish your partner based on the inside and not on the outside. But it isn't really advisable cuz .... (point #2) but if you want then up to you :)
4) Don't judge others cuz they're different
6) Eat outside food court. It is way better than school food (and less chances of food poisoning, especially the malay stall. Though I'm unsure whether they have improved since 2015 start)
7) Just have fun. And i mean it but that doesn't mean you should have fun at the expense of other people's misery or their eccentric differences.
8) slack at your sec 1 year but make sure you pass overall. You guys don't have streaming like my batch did (2011 was the last time where there was streaming when going from sec 1 to sec 2). OKAY that was a bad advice but hey sec 2 onwards it's gonna be hectic so take a chill pill
9) CCAs- Just join the one you like and also manage your time between CCA and studies.
10) Don't just aim for science stream. pursue your interest. talk to your parents about your subject combinations etc (but this is at sec 2 onwards )
11) WATCH OUT FOR MS (GEORGINA/BEATRICE) and i mean it they will just pinpoint your mistakes but wouldn't give a damn about your reasons (especially Beatrice) .
12) Don't bully Ms wong Wei leen (if she ever teach you/ in NPCC) even though it's tempting HAHAH
so yeah Just have fun!
Just be yourself and stay with those who accept the way you are.

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It's the name of da masta created at 2013 and was forged in the molten iron of awesomeness that eventually created.....


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