

Latest answers from M✨

The mysterious person that always talk bad things about aiman CAN YOU PLEASE UNTICK just show who u are. Coward!!!!!!!!!! And if can talk to me face to face.

Its waddah to the unknown that love so much talking and scare to show themselves.

kau mana tau dalam diam ia bad boy ia tapuk tapuk saja tu

Oh reaaallyy??? how did u know that! you dont even know aiman.. why you so desperate anyway? ? you do like him?? go on I don't mind. I know that he will not cheating at me.

si aiman atu bad boy jua,masih jua kau gunakan ia

He change sudaah baah😏If iya bad boy i will not wt him and i still love him like the first time😎😎

si aiman atu ada jua bini bini lain, inda kau tau kan

You think i am going to believe thaatt😂😂😂 hell no! Theres no prove so i dont believe it🙄 Try again next time👍🏼👍🏼

Happy New Year ☺️🎉🎈

Hi☺ Now is 2016 yes i know time is so fastí½í¸± its hard to believe today a new year.í½í¸Ží½í¸Ž i just want to say sorry.☺ Lets have a new year with kindness and happiness. Make your goals come true.í½í¸‰ Love yaaí½í²•

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