
Nadia Woode

Ask @NadiaWoode

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What angers you the most?

a lot of things like don't even get me started. But the main thing that angers me is when people constantly insult and belittle other people because of the way that they are. For example: When people use the word 'gay' as an insult, like its a disease or something, like I begs you stfu and get over it
I don't get why people get so offended when someone calls them gay, like there is nothing wrong with being gay, tbh its not as if gay people are walking around calling each other 'straight' now is it? If myself and others can deal with the fact that some people are gay and can accept that and them then why cant you. And I know people bring religion into it, but tbh where in the bible, or the qu'ran, or other holy books does it say that you are allowed to discriminate, bully and insult others because of the way that they are or because of the choices that they make? If anything I'm sure that the holy books say that we should treat each other as brothers and sisters and be kind to one another. So people please grow the fuck up and learn to accept everyone no matter what there beliefs, religion, race, gender, sexuality, its not that hard.

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Do you prefer to answer questions or ask them?

Answer them ofc, because I never know what to ask people. I always end up ain't something stupid or irrelevant.

Would you choose money or fame?

Money, I would hate to be famous, with all that paparazzi and everything and the media distorting and blowing everything you say out of proportion, creating a negative image of you. But if I had money I would give it to charity I would rather be average then rich, because you can save up and work towards the certain things that you want whereas if you're rich then you can just go and buy it. I mean where's the excitement in that?

Are you usually late, early or right on time?

I'm always early, because I don't like being late, and plus if for example in going for an interview then it gives me time to relax and prepare myself for the questions that they may ask.

Are you a better talker or listener?

i am a better listener i prefer to let the other people talk to me and say everything that thay need to say, because sometimes i get shy/scared to say some of the things that i want to say

What worries you the most?

Well actually there's a few erm...
-living a boring life
-not falling in love
-dying young
-not getting a good job

When you can justify a lie?

There are a few times that you can justify a lie, for example if you are planning to surprise someone

Which fairytale you’d like to live in?

None because in reality no one ever lives happily ever after if you think about it.


Language: English