

Ask @NaimAsma

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are you seriously laughing or... coz, i was lol-ing pretty bad. he should shop hanging out with taehyung and jimin.

((You sent this 4 days ago.. sorry))
YES I WAS lol omg that was seriously funny loool
and taehyun was trying so hard to control his laughter hahahahahah

/you cant im your mother/ i told you lol....kookie couldnt even move from his place looool. taehyung is some outstanding weirdo. btw who am i?

/i've only got one mother i'm aware of and i'm pretty sure it's not you
jungkook is so darn cute asdfghjkllkjhsagkjhgjkhsag
taehyung's swirling slap-thing was the best ahahahahaha /claps
um, you're arezo..? i'm like 99.9% ((like all those dettol ads 'kills 99.9% of the germs' LOL)) sure you're arezo, so it's going to be pretty awkward if you're not..
but yea.. arezo?
(^is this what you meant when you asked me 'who am i'? lol)

i know the fandoms finally collided.... only daehyun is left~ cuteness overload.... i just like watching other idols react to bts

i knowwwwww
and it's just so darn cute
like he was singing, dancing and fanboying and asl;kjhsaflkjfhasglkjhadsglhasg
i hate them
they need a family portrait. daehyun needs to take a picture with them alreaddddyyy~


omg its so cute asdfgghjkl
baek like knows all the lyrics and the dance and jongdae, tao and yeol join him AND IT'S SO CUTE omg ♥
baek is his son's biggest fanboy ahahahaha!
but seriously i watched this some 5446546329526515 times cause it's so bloody cute ((especially when he gets caught by the camera lol))

Who is your favorite sports icon (past or present)?

Mahela~ ♥ he's been my favourite since 2001/2002 lol
((i dont even answer these questions anymore but i just had to cause you know it's mahela dun dun dun))

why were you the only girl in A2 maths class today?

cause there are only got 2 girls ((and 5 boys)) taking statistics this year..
and kauline was absent.
Liked by: hera

I cant stand their hypocrisy lamao

i know
it makes me so mad cause wow talk about a whole 180 degree change in their attitude
but again, sm's known for doing that to their idols.. so i can't really tell if it's for real or not?
we'll never know what goes behind the camera so.. yea.
luhan was just extremely smart in doing what he did.
he spoke up about his sickness ((everyone could see how sick he was during their beijing [his last] concert)), he got lay to immediately back him up ((sm can't do anything about it after it's done)) and then that ig post.
but kris didn't. he kept his deteriorating health and everything else from the fans.. i guess that's the difference? even if the members knew about it and supported kris, sm was able to easily manipulate the fans.. so irdk if they support kris or not. :///
so, we'll never really know unless one of them honestly speaks up about it..
like honestly, none of that sm-fed bullshit please cause we've all had enough of that.

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Liked by: hera

luhan threw away the little heart that was left after may 16~

idk hera
i can't stan-stan them anymore cause no kris or luhan
but at the same time, i cant not stan-stan them cause i love jongin, jongdae, minseok and the rest of them so freaking much.
ultimately, it's your choice.
as long as luhan's friend uploads pics of lu online, i'll be ok i guess?
sm broke many hearts with their shitty management. ://
Liked by: hera

I dont feel the same way for hzt anymore :((( or any in exo :((((((((( wyf made me heartless x

yea, well.. ok, i guess?
lots of people left~
Liked by: hera

As far as I know snsd...they would never let small things come in their way for their dream aka to perform together until they cant perform anymore. I dont think they fought...the media is just...horrible. I ferl bad for krystal.

but honestly, i don't think people started questioning snsd's sisterhood and stuff until jessica's statement came out.. cause everyone's used to sm's bullshit and media play. but ever since the statement said she was asked to choose between her business and snsd.. and all that, everyone's doubting snsd. cause everyone believes the idol's words over sm's words. and then those marriage rumours.. and tyler posting "the truth will come out" or something like that on weibo.. it's a mess.
krystal's caught in the middle. she's under sm but jessica's her sister.. idk


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