

If you couldent read that then obv your a major dumbass it makes sense but hey that peanut of brain of yours obviously cant compute simple concepts

Well your grammar never really has been your strong point.
Nor your knowledge of aanatomy apparently.
P.s. I know what Jake said when you asked for sex. "lol no." ...harsh considering he'd rather sleep with me and im not even pretty.
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Latest answers from Sakky

Glen is doing really well. Obvs doesnt need you.

Why would he need me he's a grown man? :')
But it's good to hear he's doing well. I hope everything works out for him.

If you were to get a tattoo today, what would you get and where would you have it placed?

I wanna get "fuck you" inside my lip.

Whats wrong with you?

What isn't wrong with me.
I could give you a list but what's the point you'll call me attention seeking

Language: English