
Bring Me The Darkness

Ask @Narriesse

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Well I have got my mate back and I thought I would never see the day because she honestly hated me but now I think it could be sorted! As I have seen on here u are going to college soon so u want to leave school with no regrets so even being mutual. With each other is good xx

Yeah okay true thanks xx

Aww really :( I just messaged my mate saying hey and she said she is sorry and wants to sort things out tomorrow so she is gonna ring me :)))) thank u for ur help but I wanna do the same for you please try and do the same i wanna know I have helped someone because I don't really get to do that :( x

Aww thats so good :') and aww you have helped x

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Even though u have 2 really good mates now u could gain the other ones back even if they don't become your best mate again it's worth a try and just have a conversation with one of them atleast and just say that you miss them on text (if u have their numbers) u have nothing to loose hun just advice

Il think about it thank you and can you come of anon x

So yeah like I said I am gonna message my best mate(Jessica) but y don't u just do the same like u have given me some great advice so I wanna do the same for you just message them and the worst they can do is not reply who knows u could say hi and they might start talking again just try so will I x

They might just talk to me but I dont think we could every be as close as we was and I think I have given up on them now I am always open if they want to talk to me but like I said I have 2 great best friends and close friends now

Well I have decided that I am going to talk to my best mate and sort things out because that is the best thing to do before it is to late. Why haven't u done that? Even if u think they won't talk to u just message them saying hey as that is the only way U will sort things out and who knows xx

Good idea and if they wanted to sort things out dont you think they would have messaged me xx

Aw that's a shame :( me and my mate fell out because apparently I had been bitching about her which I hadn't but it all got a bit out of control and I said some things that I shouldn't have and I hate myself for it! How close were you with the mates you lost? Mine was my best friend xx

Awwhh :( how long have you been not friends for and they were both 2 pf my best friends but I have 2 reallu good best friends now x

Are you in a relationship with David cos apparently he said you are to his mate or somet I dunno if that is true or not but that is just what I heard I just thought I would let you know Narriesse! :) xx

No im not with david haha
Why would you think that
We are friends though

I always feel like I should come to u for advice but I'm having a shit time at the moment. Are there any friends u have fallen out with or miss because I lost my best mate and she literally hates me now I just wanna know if this has ever happened 2 u :( would love ur advice thanks <3 x

Hi there feel free to inbox me id love to help you, and yeah I have fallen out with friends before for example Suman, me and her used to be so close but we did have alot of argumemts :( but we just stopped being friends and I miss being friends with her and then theres Beth idk whats happened between me and her because I just dont think she likes me anymore one day we were fine amd good friends and the next day it was like we have never been friends its weird but yeah please inbox me if you need me xxx

What was ur school experience like in year 7?

Hahah I was so young back then
I had to make friends because there was like 4 people coming up to my school that I new from primary so I didnt really know anyway when other people new everyone from primary but I made friends but not friends with alot of them now :)


Language: English