

You reach a metal door and you can hear evil cackling from the other end. Iceman can obviously freeze his way in, but that might give it away. Plus, Hama's a waterbender. There IS an air vent but you're not sure where it goes or how big it is. What do you do now?

We've got no way of knowing if the air vent goes anywhere useful, and given if I was a villain I'd have all air vents in my secret lair booby trapped I'd rather not risk it. Set Iceman to work on freezing the hinges so a solid kick will break the door off.

Latest answers from Natalie

If you had a Chris Hemsworth in front of you RIGHT NOW (yes, a Chris Hemsworth, for there are several), what would you do?

Well first, tell him to stop sitting on my laptop. Then I'd tell him to go sort my washing out so I didn't have to and then I'd make him give me a hug cause guy hugs.

What is your favourite dessert? (OMNOMNOM DESSERT)

I really love key lime pie, but can't eat lots at once.

It could be special comic book armour that disappears at the right time! Use your imagination dammit!

ah true, but takes away from the look a bit if I'm using animal forms to fight, thearmour would be having to change for each one

Superhero name and power?

Balls, shoulda seen that one coming. For power, I want shape shifting to animals, though I guess that'd mean I should pick something different to armour for an outfit. No idea on name. Amazigirl is already taken.

Okay. Superhero costume. Black Widow spy-style, Scarlet Witch/Raven dark gothic style, Sif armour or Catwoman sexy? Not that specific one, just that kind of style

I'd go with armour I think, protect vital organs and all that

Flip that. Who would you rather work for, Umbridge at the Ministry or Jameson while he slanders Spidey?

Jameson. Pretty sure no-one is worse than Umbridge. Also, working at the Bugle = get to see peter ;)

Pick a best friend to accompany you to a (real world) job interview: CJ Craig or Johanna.

CJ Craig. Johanna would no doubt be fun, but CJ can be sarcastic but still professional. She'd probs get me the job.

Live in Tony Stark's mansion or Bilbo's hobbit hole?

I have to go for the mansion. A hobbit hole may be cosy, but it doesn't have enough room for my library plans

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