

Ask @NatTheHobbit

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If you had a Chris Hemsworth in front of you RIGHT NOW (yes, a Chris Hemsworth, for there are several), what would you do?

Well first, tell him to stop sitting on my laptop. Then I'd tell him to go sort my washing out so I didn't have to and then I'd make him give me a hug cause guy hugs.

(Quick break from your adventures.) Fuzzy bunny slippers or fuzzy bunnies?

Fuzzy bunnies, cause then I can cuddle them and I'd look a little odd hugging slippers

If you were made to spend two full weeks in a locked room with your worst enemy, no distractions, and not allowed to harm them in any way (emotionally OR physically) but doing that would give you a 7-figure raise, more holidays and unlimited access to MLP, would you do it?

I would try it, but only because I could do a lot of damage before whoever locked us in there could unlock the door again.

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how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Twice the amount of swallows required to carry 4 coconuts, plus the meaning of life, the universe and everything.

Language: English