
Natalie Gennuso

Ask @NatalieGennuso11

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Did u get ur feeling hurt bby?

Nope but your about to get the shit beat out of you if you don't get the fuck off my ask. You think your hurting my feelings when honestly your just being annoying as fuck! Go get a god damn life and leave me alone.. I don't want to hear your shit anymore.

I may be annoying but at least I'm not a lying bitch.

Yup. I'm a bitch blah blah blah. I'm over it dude. When you're ready to get serious come say it to my face. Night
Liked by: Samantha Davila

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Watever. Obviously ur gonna lie to cover ur ass. Itss just sad I'm Ariel's only real friend. After this Ariel will never forgive u

If you're going insult me at least have correct grammar you dumb bitch. You're obviously not a real friend to her if you threatening me with false information. God you a fucking idiot.
Liked by: Samantha Davila

How can u claim 2 b Ariel's friend? U told me her biggest secret. Ur really just a bitch who does anything for wat she wants. I'm her only real friend

Ha. You're really funny aren't you. I think you meant I'm a bad bitch. Because those are two completely different things. And actually I don't do anything just to benefit myself, because the last time I checked I wasn't going around making shit up and being a fucking idiot. So thanks get your facts straight. And it would be fantastic for you to actually say this shit to my face and bit over ask. Why don't you grow a pair, and tell me who you are so I know who's "opinion" this is. Well I'm done with your ignorant ass, so next time remember I could give two fucks less about what you think about me and just keep it to yourself.
Liked by: Samantha Davila

Two feet in the red dirt, school skirt, sugar cane, back lane

2 jobs three years to save. But I got a ticket on that plane, people like to talk a lot but don't know shit where I am from.
Liked by: Ariel

Y r ppl so rude? Wat they say on u & ur friends ask is mean!

I know!! But guess why I couldn't give any less fucks than I already am!
Liked by: Ariel

Why is ur friend getting so much crap on her ask

Idk but it's most likely because girls are bitches and can go suck a dick!:)
Liked by: Ariel

Btw can I c a pic of this random hot kid? I wanna c what the fuss is about. #confused #leftout #jk #nataliewantstogetdowmwiththegetdown

I will show you tomorrow!;*
Liked by: Ariel

Wow! Maybe you are meant for eachother.. Both of you are crazy motherfuckers...

Sorry but you wanted to know so badly! So there it is! Can't help but tell you the truth and I don't hide the fact that I'm a crazy bitch! It's part if my charm❤️
Liked by: Ariel

Night beautiful!!! Haha not that's why we're #foreveralonebutidonthaveacatsoimscrewed

Haha night! #andyesthatisthecimoletetruthgoodthingihaveacatthough
Liked by: Ariel

Are u talking about the birds and the bees!!!!?

Well you tell me have you even taken a glimpse at that kids face? Because if you have then you would know the answer is yes. It's a fact that hot people get together with hot people to make hot babies. Scientist have it proven!;)
Liked by: Ariel


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