

Ask @Nataliewql27

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if u guys had bf/gf mesti sama level kah education ya? bukan apa my bf ada degree and master.me just sc2 and sc3.

no . not necessarily . It’s just that you might face his family and friends looking down on you .but honestly you are dating him , not his family/friends . what matters now is him accepting you for who you are

should i sambung study? cause 3 years aku nda keraja since 2017-2019.2017-2018 i taking care mx nephew and niece 2019 i taking my mom hmm.. wat shuld i do? planning continue study 2017-2018 prrnah apply ibte but rejected. pls help me

Did you send your cv everywhere ?and did you look out for job opportunities on the new paper every week for the past 3 years . Well , I am no one to say if you should continue or not . They are a lot more school then Ibte , there is laksamana ,polytechnic and etc . But if like all the schools you apply rejected you , go overseas study .or try sign up for courses . It make your cv look so much better and more attractive/stand out from others

wyd if ur bf nda suruh u ambil kerja di bandar? i mean its an opportunity given but as i state, bf nda suruh bcs ia takut im gonna wander off and cheat on him bcs he knows lelaki punya intentions cana, so yeah.. i tried apply di kb or seria but no luck at all, thats why i wanna try apply dibandar

First of all ,he gotta trust you .i don’t think he trust you tbh ,by how he is scared . Honestly ,you guys gotta develop trust , or else I don’t think you guys will last long .Secondly, work is work and relationship is relationship . You , as an individual, gotta go and find and get all the opportunities for yourself . He is not you . You need to know what is best for yourself and always remember that you only live once .Let’s just say if one day you guys happen to break .you will not only lose him , but you also have missed the job opportunity ,which might possibly change your entire life ,just bcs he don’t allow you to take it in the first place . So , if I am you . I would take the job opportunity , I think my boyfriend should be happy that I am receiving opportunity and not be stopping me from doing something I should do /stuff that would make me happy ( unless it’s like dangerous / cause harm , then I will completely understand).

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Girlssss, what would you do if you bf hasn't texted you for awhile. It's been 2 weeks+ now. No update and so on. None. Nada. But the last time we texted, he told me he's busy with work. Over these past few days, doesn't seem to look he's THAT BUSY. Nampak online giteww

bruhh you sure he is still your boyfriend??

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128.get the 256 one ,my storage is literally full

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you can split it into part 1 ,2 ,3 and etc

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i need help too ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ

have you guys ever coughed so hard, you lost ur voice?

yea. i even feel like my whole respiratory system is coming out and was suffocating from lack of oxygen (due to continuous coughing )

when your boyfriend asks you about your past, would you rather — tell him the hurtful truth he deserves to know or tell him a lil lie so you don't hurt him?

don’t lie .it would hurt him even now knowing that you are not telling him the truth

Are you selective choosing a friend??

everyone should be .not in terms of race,appearance and etc ,but in terms of personality and heart

ok so me and my bf have been tgtr for a month, he and i felt that i’ve changed. and i feel like i wanna break up with him but how? i just feel that he deserve someone better instead of me.

tell him how you feel and explain to him why you feel that way . It’s always better I tell the truth than lying your whole way though it


Language: English