
Nathalie Dahl

Ask @Nathalie_Dahl

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Did your parents have those glass thermometers for when you got sick where there was one that came in a blue case and another in a red case?

No, not that I can recall at least 😅

Det er mandag. Hvad fortæller din indre stemme dig?

"Stay in bed. Whatever you want to do, just stay in bed. Stay. In. Bed. Nothing good ever happens on a monday. Stay in bed... Plz" xD

Hvilken sangtekst elsker du allermest? Del dem her!

Har virkelig mange, da jeg elsker musik så meget. 😩🙌🏻💘

1. What do you like in a guy most (personality-wise)? 2. What's more import to you, money or fame or neither? 3. What's one thing about a guy that automatically makes you a bit interested? 4. What's one thing about a guy that automatically makes you lose interest?

1. A good personality is always the best, be caring, be kind, be smart. And I don't mind if he has a childish side^^
2. I don't really care about any of these, you don't need money to show how much you love someone.
3. If you can make me laugh and you smile a lot.. I don't know 😅
4. If you're very judgemental and you're rude to others. 😒
Liked by: Mikkel Lund Würtz

1. If you could go on vacation to anywhere (free), where would you choose? 2. What's your favorite form of exercise (what sports? gym? walking?)? 3. How do you normally spend your weekends?

1. Anywhere hot tbh, but I would love to go to Greece again some day, it was so lovely 😋
2. I don't do much of exercise, but I loved Jiu-Jitsu ~self-defence. I also enjoy long walks ☺️
3. I don't do much tbh xD I sleep in and watch movies, draw and listen musik 🙄😅

1. How old are you? 2. How tall are you? 3. Are you single? 4. What's a random fun fact about you?

1. 16 😅
2. Around 167cm -5,4 feet^^
3. Atm, yes I am ☺️
4. I have a childish side, so if you asked me to go climb a tree with you, 98% chance I would and I would enjoy it xD

Haha, hvorfor ik' ? 👻 jeg giver et follow 😜

Har nok drama her på ask xD 😜
-Nå, så det gør du alligevel? 😋 Ej, er ikke så spændende, så ser ingen grund til at downloade det 😅


Language: English