
Nathan K

Ask @NathanATruthSeeker

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LOLOLOL PT.3 : http://youtu.be/PgVMvlyaYCs

But hey... Not all straight guys are that ignorant and annoying nor are all gay guys that... Well, catty and annoying. Haha, but thank you for sharing something that made you laugh. Made me chuckle too!

LOLOLOL PT.2 : http://youtu.be/tSX0vGnjkws

Although I can appreciate the humor, I find this stereotype kind of sad... Men should commit themselves to serving others and to one woman. And although it may be tough at times, they should push on through.

What are you. A hipster or a geek?

I'm both o.o The flower crown says it all. So do my music tastes.
"Hey man, have you heard of Abated Mass of Flesh?"
"Hey have you heard of Intervals?"
"Of Separatist?"
"Ovid's Withering?"
"Depths of Hatred?"
I can never seem to get a yes for a response :(

Do you want me? I know you do. I know you can't live without me. You underestimate our relationship sometimes. I taste delicious. I know you love my bare photos. So come eat me. Nom.Nom.Nom. xoxo Food xoxo #sorry #no #foodporn #here

Yummy food.

So my brother wants to do incest and I told him no because it's disgusting and now he won't talk to me...

Well, first, let me start with: It's not your fault.
Second: You are fearfully and wonderfully made (Ps 139)
Third: I honestly and genuinely am not sure what to say and have no understanding of your feelings at all. I'm not sure what it's like to be offered or pushed on with incest because I have no siblings or any record of sexual abuse to myself. So, let me say that I will try to understand you the best that I can and that I will try my best to give you advice and counsel. But please, give me grace when I make mistakes or seem insensitive. I'm not Mr. Know it All or omnipotent or Solomon haha. It's my first time getting such a conundrum!
So, here's what I suggest: Do not, in any circumstances, place yourself and him in a situation where he might be tempted to seduce or forcefully sexually assault you. Be aware of where you are and what circumstances you are in.
Know that you are a beloved daughter of God and you are a precious, sentient, intelligent, and creative human being. Not a sex object. You are worth more than you realize.
Get help. Although asking a random guy who gives advice on ask.fm might seem like a good idea, but get help from a trusted adult or adviser. Pastor. Psychiatrist. Psychologist. Therapist. Any trusted older person. The advice that I say might be awry or skewed by my perspective, so do check my advice with a) The Word of God b) Trusted Authority Figure. Although mercy is the best policy, in this case, it's too dangerous for you to shoulder this on your own.
Talk to your brother with a buddy. He might have his own reasons for wanting to do this and we can't condemn him as an awful person because of this. He might make mistakes, but there really might be social problems that he's dealing with. Lack of love. Loneliness. Try to understand where he's coming from as well.
Forgive. It's harder to forgive than to be disgusted and hate. The only way to break this cycle is to LOVE and FORGIVE.
Above all, pray. I'm not the end all be all of all spiritual wisdom. That's God. I try my best to listen to what He says and give wisdom from Him, but again. I'm just a human, I make mistakes. Prayer is far more powerful than people give it credit for. Pray for the strength to forgive, for the strength to love, for your poor brother. Prayer is key.
If you have any more problems or questions or whatever you may need, you can ask more questions or drop off your email. I'd be more than happy to listen and help you and try to understand you. God bless. You are loved so dearly by both God and me.

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"Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. Remember that the Lord will give you an inheritance as your reward, and that the Master you are serving is Christ." ~Colossians 3:23-24

Work on your background if you want to take good portrait photos, or any kind of photos in general. Your background in most of your pics are distracting. For example, I would see a trashcan or a dumpster in the background with the pretty girl. Honestly, the first thing I would stare/notice


that instead of the actual person. Just work on that and your pictures will already start looking a lot better :)

Hey man! Thanks for the advice. I saw your previous question a couple months back and tried to keep that in mind, as you see in this picture. Sometimes, I can't really control what might be in the background ^^" I can't really ask people to move their cars or tear up a sign, haha I really wish I could! It's also such a pain to clone it out, so I try my best to blur and make as least noticeable as possible. But yes :) I saw your advice, and it did help when I was taking photos yesterday. Thank you for taking an interest in my photography ^^


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