
Nationalist UK

Ask @Nationalist_UK

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Half the family is an old French noble family with history dating back to the Middle Ages. The other half is... well, a mystery.

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My mother did, her origins were shadowy. I've tracking down some records of Burty as a surname in Ireland and eastern England.

Aymeric Dubost
Could very well be Irish. interesting that your family would end up in France. Usually the other way around.

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Wait and see. No further warnings.

Ooooo. What you gonna do? Come to Wales to 'beat me up'? Lmaooo. You're gonna do nothing, son.

It's not failing though is it? #bluehand watching you.

You're not Bluehand, you're a leftist trying to cause a row. Lulz. Hilariously transparent.

You're an Internet hard man aren't you? A basement dweller in real life. Afraid to talk to anyone. Alone & afraid.

Hahaha. Says the spastic trying - and failing - to intimidate me on the Internet. Lololol.

People like us, they don't like you. Why is that? Is it because you finger cats? Screencap was posted on Twitter.

Lulzy Lulz.

Do you do pull ups?

I haven't done anything for years. I used to use Dumbbells for tricep and bicep curls, benchpress, squats with a barbell and finish with stomach crunches.

do you think we don't know what you are doing...

What am I doing then? What's the point in posting cryptic bullshit like this?

Do you work out?

Used to, heavily. Then life got in the way. Started Swimming for a year, made me fit and flexible, but it's not the same as the 'Burn'

What is something you have lost, that you wish you could get back?

One or two women. Money. The swagger of my late teens.

If you could choose to stay a certain age forever, what age would it be?

19 - A special age. Life hasn't kicked your ass yet.

Do middle class leftists secretly despise the underclass?

I'm not answering any more of these 'despise the underclass' questions. You have had my answer more than is necessary.


Language: English