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I used to be really close to this girl, but I fell out with her, she has these two best friends who are the bitches, they decided to get involved when I fell out with her, they sent me horrible things on Facebook and Called me horrible things, I cried and cut and was scared 2go2 school &wanted2die

Don't let them girls get beneath your skin. You are so much stronger than they are and they should be ashamed that they drove you into self harming. If the facebook thing gets out of control, you may either want to report them or even go to the police. As long as you have proof that it's them they should get a punishment xx

So I'm in a conversation with a girl and she generally seems quite disinterested/bored until I bring up a topic she likes, later on I asked her to inbox me tomorrow and she said she will if I want her to. Ngl she seems wholly disinterested by this but I don't know what to make of it

This might sound harsh but she might either be not interested you you or the things you two talk about xx

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Question from the self harm one. He knows i did but its the scars im worried about he said hes not bothered but i know some people can get frightened of by them xx

If he said that he's not bothered about it, then he should be honest with his girlfriend. He should have told you the truth and if he does see the scars and changes his mind, then he wasn't worth it xx

i treat my grandma and my mum badly, and my grandma's getting old now, and i know she doesnt have long left but i just cant stop arguing with her every time i see her, what should i do:( i just cant stop, ive tried so hard<3

Okay, just sit down with your grandma and talk to her. If an argument starts up, don't say anything back to her. I'm sure I wouldn't want my last visit to grandma ending in an argument, and I'm sure you don't too. Talk to her, don't argue, just talk xx<3
Liked by: Nisha Rafiq

hey, i met this guy through the internet, we have been talking for a while and i think i'm in love with him. im meeting him in a week, i was wondering what should i do when i first see him? im very nervous

I think you should act casually (Unless he turns out to be a 50 year old man) and not show that you are nervous. Just take a couple deep breaths and you will be fine. Also, I think that you should see the guy first and get to know him before making up your mind that you love him. :) Hope this helps xxx
Liked by: Jenna Grande

How can I be better at having conversations with people? I always feel like I'm boring people, never know what to talk about and I'm really awkward and stuff :/

Hey beautiful :)
I'm sure you're not boring to people. I have quiet a few friends, but there are some people who I just can't converse with because it's too weird or awkward. I think that you just need to surround yourself with people that you feel comfortable with, and who have similar interests to you xxx

People don't like people that self harm or once did which scares us. We then feel the need to do it more and the position I'm in just makes that worse

I know how you feel. Trust me.
I know a lot of people who self harm. And I know even more people who got over it. I understand that you keep on having the need to do it more, but think about it; What good does it do? All it leaves you with is scars and a broken mind. Please. Just don't xx
Liked by: Nisha Rafiq

Thanks but I just feel odd with them and its so tempting to make them worse

Don't. Please don't. Just think about this. If you cut too deep one day. Someone made a nasty comment. And then, imagine someone who loves you walking in and seeing you in a pool of blood. They would be devastated. So many people care for you in this world, even if you might not see it. xx
Liked by: Eloise Stratford

and i still like him and i dont know if were still going out or what& hess lied to me about things and he thinks i dont know:L My friend told me to just forget about him and move on but i cant ,i still really really love him and everything , i just dont know what to do:'(

If he's lied to you and you don't think you can trust him 100% about something then definitely talk to him about it. Ask him if you two are still going out. If you're more of a shy person though, you might want to ask him over facebook or even ask.fm xx
Liked by: Nisha Rafiq

So theres this boy i was going out with and like we were happy with eachother and everything and i loved him more than anything ,it was all going well but like something happened and fucked everything up so then we didnt speak for like 2 weeks? and like we started speaking again

I'll answer on the next part xxx
Liked by: Nisha Rafiq

right, i was really close to my friend, and now the has started ignoring me and i dont know why i havent done anything wrong, i am suck a mess atm because of this:(

Talk to him about it. And if he ignores you further, force him to talk to you! He shouldn't be acting like this without giving you a good reason why xx
Liked by: Nisha Rafiq

How to get a guy to talk to you??

Well, my advice would be to just walk right up to him and talk. But not as a girlfriend type, don't start flirting with him, just talk to him as a friend. Or, you could start by grabbing his attention by doing something? xx

Im only 12 aswell and people hurt me and.nobody cares

RebekahCran’s Profile PhotoRebekah Cran
Tell someone. It might be hard but from your profile picture I see a girl who clearly looks like she cares about you. You shouldn't experience something like this at 12 and you shouldn't let people hurt you. Please just tell someone whether it's a parent, teacher a counselor anyone! Just please don't turn towards suicide or self harm. It's not a good way out xxxx

Well this is realy hard to say but here it goes Im not pretty I not thin Im not smart But everyone eles is !! Now please Doñt think of me as a randomer wanting sympathy because. Doñt I Doñt think I can take it !! There id 12300 people is my.school and I Doñt have one friend I get laughed a

Look, friends and appearance have nothing in common. I'm not the prettiest of people out there but I have friends? And there are just about a million gorgeous girls in my school, but do you know what I do. This might sound mean but I say Fuck you to these girls. You just have to love yourself for who you are and trust me, there are people who maybe even wish they were your friends. You don't have to be pretty or thin to have friends. I'm not thin but I don't care because I love myself for who I am and I think you should too xx

I wanna ask my crush ot but im too scared that he will say no, what shall I do ?x

It all depends. Do you know the buy very well? Are you two close or do you hardly know each other. You might want to start giving him signs and see if he catches up before actually asking him out. He should notice the signs. Just go for it girl, it will be okay <3 x


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