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so, i snogged a lad at a party last month, a month later, ive pulled him again, had sex with him, and hes fingered me and ive sucked him off, but i dont have any feelings for him, is this normal? i know who the lad is??

I guess it's normal. Many people do sexual things without feeling anything towards each other. Just make sure you don't lead the guy on xxx

But I really want a relationship...I'm far too ugly and weird though :(

You are not ugly and weird! I bet you are beautiful and special just the way you are xx

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okay I like this guy ALOT and he likes me back but he lives in America?! What should I do??

I'm guessing you live in England? Long distance relationships work out sometimes but other times they don't. I think you'll just have to wait and see what happens? xx

i have cheated on my bf what do i do?

You have to tell him. He will find out someday anyways so better if he hears it from you than from some stranger xxx

I'm a lesbian but I've never actually been in a relationship with a girl or had any sexual experiences with one...

There's nothing wrong with that! It will come round sometime xx

But my boyfriend is in there year and it bugs me because I no. What guys are like ! And some of the pretty girls fancey him :( xxx

Rebekah Cran
If he's your boyfriend, you have nothing to worry about! Who cares that other girls fancy him? He picked you for a reason :D xx
Liked by: Rebekah Cran

i dont want sex, i want it when weve been together longer, the only thing ive done with him to get this idea is he fingered me and that was it:/xxxxx

Hmm, you should definetly talk to him about it then. If he's a good boyfriend he will understand and wait. xxx

Thank you! But there is lots of really pretty girls at my school! There only a year older but they look so grown up and I bugs me why they are so pretty and. I am normal!

Rebekah Cran
Yes you are normal! Haha, don't look at how pretty other people are, you'll grow up in your own time and don't be influenced by any of the girls in your school xxx
Liked by: Rebekah Cran

My boyfriend bought me an early christmas present, i was delighted, i was upset when i found out they was condoms, i was only expecting a little necklace, or something, but he wanted sex, i looked happy, but i was shocked, am i taking it personally? am i been stupid?xxxx

Personally, I would be pretty disgusted with my boyfriend. I completely understand you. It also all depends if you are ready for such a thing. I personally would talk to him and tell him that I was pretty shocked. xxx

Hey what shood I get my boyfriend for xmas im 13 xx

Hmm, I'e m not sure. It all depends on what kinds of things he likes. Maybe a key chain of some sort?

i cut myself, but my boyfriend wants me to have sex with him, but i dont want him to see my cuts, what shall i do?

There is way getting out of this other than telling him that either you won't have sex with him or telling him that you cut. He will probebly try to stop you from cutting anymore and you should stop xxx

im not allowed the top of my ear pierced, ive asked my family so many times and they always said no, so i got my friend to pierce it and i liked it so i got it done twice, what should i do about my family?:L

Hmm, it's kinda bad that you went against your parents so all you can do to make up is be truthful. Tell them why you decided to get the piercing and maybe they will understand xxx

My closest guy friends and one of my closest female friends are dating. I really really fancy my guy friend but he is madly in love with his girlfriend. However she has done some awful things even faking she had a terminal ilness and doesn't deserve him at all. What do I do?

If I were you, I would talk to the guy. Tell him how you feel both about you liking him and his girlfriend. Hope this helps xxx


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