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16th birthday girl- if you don't get anything act like an adult and understand and just say I don't need anything, I have you. Your mum will find this amazing and who needs presents ayy?

Haha, fair enough xx

my boyfriend has starting watching porn to often and masturbating, should i be worried? we make love 5 times a week??

Hmm, sounds to me like your boyfriend might be addicted to sex :L. 5 times a week is pretty a lot and if that doesn't satisfy him, then I think my prediction might be correct xxx

I don't know :( i feel like a pain for wanting something special for my 16th :( -s. Xxx

I completely understand you. 16th birthday is a pretty special day. Maybe talk to your Mum? Wait until she is calmed and relaxed, but if she says that she doesn't want to talk about it/ she tells you to leave it, don't argue, just try in a couple days xxx

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it was.. who has i believe my bestfriend or some lad i have known for ages who likes me?

Huh? Sorry, really confused x

-_- who should i believe.. i bestfriend or some lad that likes me?

Hmm, hard question but I personally think you should believe your best friend xxx

I like this guy and I've just found out that he likes me and this other girl? Is that really weird? Like what if I went out with him, I'd be really jealous of the other girl, and if I do want to go out with him, how do I like get him to tell me that he likes me? Because he's a bit shy xxx

Okay, you can't really make him say that he likes you. My advice would be to make yourself better than the other girl. By that I mean hang out with him, and do all the things casual friends would do :) xx

She's not planning a surprise, she seems really upset/angry about my birthday, 16th supposed to be special but i don't even know anymore:( Christmas is 11 days after my birthday and that's gona be even worse than my birthday:( -s. Xx

Maybe she's mad at herself for not being able to provide you with a present? xxx

If I confront her I'm petrified she won't like me anymore!:'(

Is this the story about you liking a girl but she making fun of you? Sorry, I'm confused D:xx

i've been going out with my boyfriend for about 5 month now and he said the other night he was ready to have sex but i'm not :/! i'm scared in case its sore and i'm always scared in case i loss him if i dont do it :/! what shall i do ?

I think you should be 100% sure before having sexual intercourse for the first time. You should also be sure of the person you do it with. And you shouldn't feel pressured into doing anything! If you are then I don't think he is the right guy for you. xxxx

thankyou, you helped me to stop cutting, thanks for all you're help, it means absolutely everything to me<3xxxxx

Oh my gosh it's okay and you are sooo sweet <3 xxxxxxx

sorry, there were too many letters, I was told you can bleed about nine days after having sex and this shows you are pregnant, it's like your period but it's not, could I be pregnant?

I have no idea D: Ask this girl>>>http://ask.fm/Advicegirl12 :-*
Liked by: Advice girl

I had sex with my boyfriend about a week and a bit ago. The next day I started my period, except I don't know whether it was because it was really light and only lasted two days. Now, I'm on my period and it's normal, but it's two weeks early and I don't know whether I'm pregnant, I was told you can

I'm not an expert at this but if you started your period then I am pretty sure you aren't pregnant xx

my mum and dad are really strict, i had sex with my boyfriend, he gave me a love bite on my neck, and my mum saw it and asked what it was, i acted like i didnt know i had it, but now shes getting suspicious what shall i do? i dont want to tell her im having sex as its awkward! please help???xxxx

You will have to tell your Mum eventually and in my opinion it's better to tell her yourself than her hearing it from someone else. xxx

I feel like my friends don't like me anymore and get bored of me ?

Why would you say that? They are friends with you for a reason you know? :) xxx

My bestfriend is on the verge of being in a relationship and I'm scared I'm going to loose her, she's already started talking to me less, what shall I do without confronting her?

There is no way of sorting this out other than confronting her. You can wait a couple days/weeks and see how she acts then, but if the situation gets out of hand then I'm sorry but you will have to confront her xxx

I'm 16 next friday, my mums just told me that she has no money, nothing at all, my brother got loads for his 16th and I'm getting nothing :'( i don't know what to do or say to my mum:( -s. Xx

Maybe she's preparing a special surprise? I don't want to get your hopes up though.
You have to understand that sometimes adults go through crisis and maybe that is what your Mum is in now? xxx

ive told the girl i like i love her and now she s not speaking to me what should i do xx??

Maybe she just needs time to think about it. Give the girl some time but if it takes months and she still isn't talking to you, confront her about it :) xx

so, me and my bestfriend said we was going to have sex with eachother if we didnt lose it by 16, and were 16, so we did it, now we've done it 4 more times and i love it, but he's started seeing someone else, and i love him and i'm scared he wont want to talk to me anymore:(:( she's so beautiful:(x

Okay, first of all scrap the idea that she's beautiful YOU'RE beautiful! Confront him about it! Tell him how you feel about him having a girlfriend. Don't worry, everything's gonna turn out fine :) xx


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