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Ive been self-harming for about a year now, for family reasons and friends and etc. There is one person i truthly thought i could trust, today we feel out over something so pointless, i could tell him anything and i keep on having break downs and i want my life to be over i cant live without him:'(

Please don't self harm. Talk to him. If it was over something pointless, then it should be easy to make up. I understand you have family and friend issues but you shouldn't self harm. It doesn't help the situation and only takes away the pain for a couple seconds. Talk to him <3xx

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I really need advice, my mum thinks I'm taking my tablets cause I got bi-polar but i haven't for the last week but in this week I've cut all up my are and all up my legs but the tablets are horrible and make me feel tired and weak <3 help please

Okay, I'll give you a choice. Would you rather have cuts all over yourself and bleed to death, or take your tablets which will make you a little tired and weak? I know I would choose to take the tablets. Many people are bi-polar. Please just take your medicine <3

My dad told me to die, and he calls me a slapper and stuff, what should I do? I tried to kill my self before, I got found by my teacher and got rushed to hospital

Don't ever try to commit suicide. It's never a good way out of the situation. Tell someone. And if you have a chance to, maybe talk to your dad about it? xxx

Whenever i sort sumin out and want to link him hez always lyk im busy going out of town n stuff so we hardly meet as well:/ idk i think hez found sum1 better who prettier n can give him the joy i cnt:/ xxx

If he doesn't have time to see his girlfriend, I think you should dump him. If you two hardly see each other then what's the point in only getting hurt more?xx

But thats the only way out though, he's the only one i love and who understands me if he aint der der no point of living:/ i have loads of times he reads the mail on fb but never ends up replying:(

Just talk to him! And suicide or self harm is never the way out. Can I ask, how old are you?xx

Help! My bf says i never meet him n stuff bcuuz im on locks n wenever i get out i be like link me n he goes no point im busy:/ i dont think he loves me n i can't get over him or leave him buz i love him loads idk wat to do i even trued commiting sucide bcuz it wasn't going right;( help me please x

Don't commit suicide! It's the most cowardly thing to do. Just talk to him. Tell him everything you just told me <3


There's nothing to be scared of. It depends who you want to admit too as well. If it's your friends, then they should understand, there's nothing wrong with being bi x

He actually got me though, we are both going through the same things and I just felt better because he understood x

Well maybe he;'s going through something hard at the moment? If he's ignoring you then he should have a reason. If you get a chance to see him face to face then confront him about it. And trust me, if he doesn't see what kind of a nice girl he has right in front of his eyes, then he must be blind :)<3x

He won't, I sent him a message the other day and he read it and ignored, he's deleting me out of his life and I have been through so much that I really can't deal with that x

Even if he is ignoring you, life doesn't end okay? There will be plenty of guys who will wish for you to like them, and this guy will be sorry for ignoring you when he had the chance to talk to you. It gets better :) xx

But he said he really liked me first and he just hated the distance yet there are trains and stuff and I feel like I have done something wrong x

Just give it some time. Maybe he's just confused and needs some space? Maybe he will start the conversation next time and then you will be able to tell him about the trains and other things that you just told me <3 xx

I did ask but he ignored me...

Hmm, he might just think that maybe you are too young? It depends. Maybe he just saw it like a bit of fun?xx

There's this boy and to me, he is perfection but, he lives three hours away *sighs* the other day he said we should stop talking and I REALLY like him and I cried for ages but he's 16 this year and I'm 14 in a month... Help :( x

You should ask him why he wants to stop talking to you. It might be because of the distance or it might be because of the age difference. Just talk to him :) xx

We've get alot closer now and a few days ago he said if we lived in the same city he would ask me out.. But sometimes i feel like i get mixed signals from him :/

Just talk to him by email/ next time you see him. It will be fine :)xx


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