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hiyaaaa.. do you think you have good advice for the people who ask you to give em advice?

Hi :) I don't know. I'm just a girl who likes to give advice to people, it's not for me to say x

hi im 14 and i fancy this girl but the only problem is that she is 12,help?

There is nothing wrong with liking someone who is younger than you. I like a guy who is two years older than me so you never know, she might like you back. Girls usually like guys who are 1/2 years older than they are. Also, your friends might say something, but just ignore them if you really like the girl xx

I've tried talking to him but he hates me and doesn't want to talk to me...I really miss him,I ww a lot of boys but I only really loved him,he's the only my feelings are really strong for...please help.

You need to tell him everything that you just told me. Practically force him to talk to you if he doesn't want to listen x

Theres this boy that I went with,I loved him so much,and he loved me but I dumped him,I wanted to be with other people but I didnt want anyone else to have him,we got into an argument and now he hates me,but I still love him,how do I get these feelings to go away even no I don't want them too.

Feelings are a very strong thing. If you don't want the feelings to go away, then stop trying to make them go away. You can't help what you feel and who you love. Talk to him about it. It will be okay xx

I wanna ask my crush ot but im too scared that he will say no, what shall I do ?x

It all depends. Do you know the buy very well? Are you two close or do you hardly know each other. You might want to start giving him signs and see if he catches up before actually asking him out. He should notice the signs. Just go for it girl, it will be okay <3 x

im in my last year at school, all through my school life ive had spots not a huge amount like sever achne but ive got spots, it makes my confidence so low i hate when people even talk about spots cos it feels like there making a dig at me:/ how do i get rid of them quick?ive tried everything

Okay, are you a girl/guy? xx

i feel selfish having having thoughts that i wish i was never born, but when life seems to be going good, something happens and everything comes crushing down, to the point where i feel i cant take it no more:/ i wish i felt normal like everyone else, they all see happy:/

Some people are better at hiding problems than others. Trust me. One of my best friends is one of the prettiest and nicest people I know, and just recently I found out she cuts. The truth is that all the people who hate on you have no idea what you are going through <3 xx

i have these moments when im alone,where i sit a think about things of done bad,and it puts me in this depressing state, i got diagnosed with depression last year, ive tried commiting suicide+ and i have cut myself in the past, sometimes i wish i was never born:/ is that normal?

It is normal but it shouldn't be happening to you! Please don't cut, there are so many people in this world that love you. And please don't say that you wish you were never born, it makes me extremely sad just reading this :( xx

Thankyou so much, it helps knowing that there is someone i could talk to now<3

No problem, I'm always here if you need me <3 xox

I feel like taking an overdose maybe some peoples wish will come true <3 good night ......xoxo

No, not goodnight. Don't you dare. I bet that if the people you think hate you would find out you overdosed, they would walk around the earth, sadder than ever. You are so much better than they are <3 xoxoxoxoxo

I'm trying but then there are times when i just cant hold it together and it's the one option i stand with. I'm in tears every other day, keeping all my feelings blocked in, not telling anyone. Thankyou for making this page, it helps people know that they aren't alone. Thankyou<3

I'm always here for you <3. All I want you to know is that self harm only takes the pain away for a couple moments, it doesn't make it go away. It only scars your body and mind <3 xxxx

All my friends are so tall and I'm small, I don't think I'll grow much more either, am I gonna have a hard time getting a gal?

A lot of girls like smaller guys. Personally I prefer taller guys as I'm tall myself but I think that you will find the right girl for you when the time is right <3 xxx


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