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People don't like people that self harm or once did which scares us. We then feel the need to do it more and the position I'm in just makes that worse

I know how you feel. Trust me.
I know a lot of people who self harm. And I know even more people who got over it. I understand that you keep on having the need to do it more, but think about it; What good does it do? All it leaves you with is scars and a broken mind. Please. Just don't xx
Liked by: Nisha Rafiq

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Question from the self harm one. He knows i did but its the scars im worried about he said hes not bothered but i know some people can get frightened of by them xx

If he said that he's not bothered about it, then he should be honest with his girlfriend. He should have told you the truth and if he does see the scars and changes his mind, then he wasn't worth it xx

Thanks but I just feel odd with them and its so tempting to make them worse

Don't. Please don't. Just think about this. If you cut too deep one day. Someone made a nasty comment. And then, imagine someone who loves you walking in and seeing you in a pool of blood. They would be devastated. So many people care for you in this world, even if you might not see it. xx
Liked by: Eloise Stratford

I'm scared of people seeing my scars, my foundation comes up darker on my arms and I'm not aloud to wear bracelets to school. I have never had a boyfriend and I'm 14 people say I'm ugly as it is and with my scars...what will they think...

Well first of all, you should have the scars and whoever drove you into scarring yourself is one selfish bastard. It doesn't matter that you have never had a boyfriend, you don't need a boyfriend to feel pretty. Also, whoever says that you're ugly is probably a horrible person who will end up nowhere in life. Maybe try and wear long sleeved jackets or your school sweatshirts? I'm not sure. Just please don't make the scars any worse xxx
Liked by: Nisha Rafiq

I used to self harm and im abit worried about my boyfriend seeing them is there anything i can do tobmake sure he doesnt? Thanks X

If you want to be in a real relationship with him, then you will have to tell him at one point. It's better to tell him yourself other than him hearing it from somewhere else and being let down because you don't tell him things :/ xx
Liked by: Nisha Rafiq

My bestfriend self harms BADLY. She wants to stop but she cant, shes tried the butterfly project and it didnt work! Shes up for anything that can help though, what should I do?

The only other way to help other than the butterfly project that I know is the elastic band method. Tell her to keep an elastic band around her wrist at all times, and when she feels the urge to cut, she should fling the band at her wrist. It gives the same effect but doesn't leave a scar. But still, you should proba ly tell someone. For you best friend's good xx
Liked by: Nisha Rafiq

I told a boy I cut 1 week ago and be wont even look at me HELP!!!

Maybe he's just confused? Talk to him, he should tell you the reason and if he says that he doesn't want to hang out with you anymore because you self harm, then he isn't worth the trouble. But still, self harm is a bad thing which you shouldn't necessarily do :/ xxx

Hmm maybe but idk im kinda jealous he talks to other girls more than me and would just not want me in his life xxx

Maybe he just needs some time? And he can talk to other girls :/ xxx

You told me ta ask him why he dnt believe in love anymore :L xx

Oh okay sorry. Erm, maybe ask him if he wants to start over? Not necessarily with love but gradually get into the relationship more?xx

He goes one of ny close family relative who he took as a role model and loved to bits stabbed im inda back n now that he's changed and dont believe in love no one:(

Sorry but I don't understand x
Liked by: Nur Batrisyaaa

I got really close with this boy and then we stopped talking, we talk occasionally now and then but then I told him I cut and now he won't even look at me. And when I told him he went I don't know what to say but I have to go and help Alex :( what do I do! X

Maybe he's just confused about his feelings at the moment. I would just let the information sink into his brain. He might also not like the fact that you cut, so please stop <3xx

and i still like him and i dont know if were still going out or what& hess lied to me about things and he thinks i dont know:L My friend told me to just forget about him and move on but i cant ,i still really really love him and everything , i just dont know what to do:'(

If he's lied to you and you don't think you can trust him 100% about something then definitely talk to him about it. Ask him if you two are still going out. If you're more of a shy person though, you might want to ask him over facebook or even ask.fm xx
Liked by: Nisha Rafiq

So theres this boy i was going out with and like we were happy with eachother and everything and i loved him more than anything ,it was all going well but like something happened and fucked everything up so then we didnt speak for like 2 weeks? and like we started speaking again

I'll answer on the next part xxx
Liked by: Nisha Rafiq

Okay. I see this boy everyday when I walk home from school and once of twice we would have a chat but like 2months has gone now and everytime I see him, I wanna talk to him but he's always got beats in or on the phone so I can't really! Help!

Just because he's listening to music or on his phone doesn't mean you can't walk up and talk to him. Just find the courage in you and walk up to him. Maybe even walk up to him and ask what kind of music he likes? If you are feeling flirty then maybe take one of the beats out of his ear and smile before starting up a conversation? xxx

Hi! I like this guy a lot, and i've heard that he likes me back but im not sure. we dont talk but i talk to his best friend a lot, and im not sure what to do cause i really like him? thanks:)

Hmm, Maybe talk to his best friend more? If he's best friends with this guy, then he will hang out with him more and you'll have a chance to see for yourself if he gives you any signs <3xx

my friend fancies a boy who just asked her who she likes?, what should she say?

Every time a boy I like asks me this, I say no one but if your friend is a confident person she might want to say something like "There's someone. We're closer than he thinks we are right this minute." You know, just tell her to flirt with him a little xx

I want my ex back:( he said he don't believe in love anymore and we only talk here and der but i really love him and i know he is the only one i want to be with:( i really miss him and want him back and i've started cutting becuz i cnt live without him n im 17.. Wah shall i dooo:( xxxx

Talk to him! If he says that he doesn't believe in love anymore, ask him what made him think that. <3xxx
Liked by: Nisha Rafiq


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