
Keep rocking

Ask @Nek1Aw

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I'm no longer dating but if you're interested in me, i need 500 words essay on how you will not waste my time.

How would you not waste my time is how your time is not being wasted.
No other spam words are needed.

A relationship without trust is like a phone w/o service And What do you do when a phone has no service? You play games.

But you have treat your relationship sincerely.

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“You must teach your heart to accept what cannot be changed.”

No, your mind can be changed and can change easily.

Who has the best sense of humor?

How can I answer yhis question as I do not know all human beings around the world.

大家有冇草錢 如果有 你地幾歲 草咗幾多~正常18歲應該草咗幾多錢

Really depends on your source of income.
Mostly between USD 1K to USD 12K.


Language: English