

What is your favorite thrill ride?

Probably just a roller coaster. The only other thing I've tried is that big tower they strap you into and it takes you really high before just dropping into free fall and that was not my favorite thing.
That said, I'm not really too big on rollercoasters either. They're alright but I'm not about to try and ride every single one ever. I prefer bumper cars/boats and go karts in general.

Latest answers from Neon

If you were to get a tattoo today, what would you get and where would you have it placed?

That's a good question. I'd probably just get some kind of design on my arm or something, nothing too complex or insane.

what are you favourite pizza toppings?

Pizza and Sausage I'm p plain
Though I have tried pineapple and its not bad

What was your first thought when you woke up this morning?

'why is it so hot'
followed shortly by 'why am I under my blankets'

Do you like to act spontaneously or plan things? Why?

Plan things. I'm terrible at acting spontaneously haha

Where would you prefer to live at in the future: the countryside or the city? Why?

Either is fine! I like living out in the country, but the downside is that I'm so far away from everything.
On the other hand, living in town would be nice, but its too bright and noisy, and you don't have as much room, like a yard and stuff.

What's the next best place (country/city) you would like to live in besides here?

I don't really know. I like where I live now, areawise, but I guess if I were to forge out on my own, I'd want to live in town, so I'd be closer to work.
Otherwise, I'd probably move somewhere with a similar climate to where I am now, since its what I was born/raised in and its about what I can handle temperature wise.

peanut butter, jam or cream cheese spread for toast?

strawberry jam! otherwise I just use plain butter.

Do you prefer molten lava cake or cheese cake?

I've never had molten lava cake, so I'd have to go with cheesecake!

Tell us about your pet(s) if you have one?

Well, I don't have a 'pet' of my own, except one chicken who is mine no matter what anyone says because I picked him out after we moved up where we live now and he was my birthday present.
We've had chickens since I was much younger though, and currently we have a total of 25 chickens, but some are my mom's and some are my sister's. We keep them as pets, but we also eat and sell their eggs, because everybody around here seems to be way into farm fresh eggs.
Aside from the chickens, my sister has 5 goats, 7 birds, 2 dogs, a rabbit, and a cat (who recently had 3 kittens), and my mom has a dog of her own.
But I help take care of them all so its like, they're kind of my responsibility, but they're the ones who actually claim ownership of them.

What do you normally have for breakfast?

Whatever I can find. Breakfast is actually my least favorite meal time because I just woke up and I'm hungry but nothing sounds good. I usually end up making something in the toaster or having leftovers unless its a weekend. Or pretzel sticks, those are good too.
I don't really eat cereal b/c 99% of the time I'd make it and go sit down but then something would need my attention right away and I wouldn't get a chance to eat it before it went soggy, so I eventually gave up eating it, and while we always have toaster pastries in the house, I don't eat those often either because they make my stomach feel weird and I don't much care for that.
I always have a glass of milk in the morning though so no matter what I eat it still counts as a breakfast.

Language: English