

Ask @NetbrianT

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What do you think of the portrayal of women in Hiromu Arakawa's work?

Don't know. I haven't read or watched any of it.

If you could have one superpower what would it be?

Shapeshifting sounds endlessly cool and endlessly flexible. Let's go with that.

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Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou "Romeo?"

I assume he's Romeo because that's the name his parents chose for him?
As an aside, Romeo X Juliet was such a promising anime, but I was rather disappointed.

would you rather be a magical girl or the token guy on the team ala tuxedo kamen

Magical girl, without a doubt. Nothing good can come of token boys.

What upcoming Summer 2014 anime are you interested in? http://neregate.com/blog/2014/04/24/summer-2014-anime/

I plan to keep watching Aikatsu and Happiness Charge Pretty Cure.
Definite --
Sailor Moon Crystal (I'm not as big a Sailor Moon fan as some, but I still like the franchise.)
PuriPara (no idea if I'll stick with it, but I'm a sucker for this kind of show.)
Psycho Pass 2 (need to rewatch and finish S01.)
Space Dandy (the first half really, really grew on me, so I'm excited for this.)
Hanayamata (Almost everything about this sounds great.)
Encouragement of Climb (Loved the first one.)
Maybe --
Persona 4 (I loved the game at least.)
Locodol (I tend to like idol anime, so it's worth a shot. Also, no boys.)
Sabagebu (This has the potential to be either fantastic or terrible, so I guess we'll see!)
Nozaki-Kun (I keep somehow hearing good things about it, which is why I'm giving it a look.)
Free (Need to finish S01, and then decide. Hopefully it's better than Chu2Koi S02. Also, more humor, less melodrama please.)
Francesca (I have no idea what it even is, but I tend to give stuff with a female lead the benefit of the doubt.)
Ai Mai Mi (not much of a commitment at least.)
Kancolle (Again, all-female casts generally pique my interest. I don't play the game.)
Unlikely --
Himegoto (I love crossdressing, but man, the manga was not encouraging in the least.)
Zankyou no Terror (It has good people behind it, but not really my thing.)
Momo Kyun Sword (The fanservice-level isn't a good sign, but it doesn't immediately rule it out.)
Tokyo ESP (wasn't impressed with what I read on Comic Walker.)

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On a scale of 0 to Snow, how halated are you /right now/?

About one or two. It's not wintery outside, and I still haven't FCed Wonderful Rush on Normal yet.

Rock climbing or windsurfing?

Rock climbing. It seems easier to enjoy without much athletic skill.

If µ’s was a baseball team, what positions would each member play, and what would be their batting order?

Beware -- literally everything I know about baseball, I learned from anime
Fielding --
1. Pitcher -- Nico
2. Catcher -- Maki
3. Right Field -- Kotori
4. Left Field -- Hanayo
5. Shortstop -- Rin
6. First Base -- Honoka
7. Second Base -- Eli
8. Third Base -- Rin
9. Center Field -- Umi
Batting Order
1. Umi
2. Honoka
3. Eli
4. Rin
5. Maki
6. Nico
7. Nozomi
8. Honoka
9. Hanayo

Are antismoking ads effective?

It doesn't look that way, but I do think that changes to smoking's image have been very effective (you see much less of it in media these days, etc.)

What show do you like the most despite it having absolutely terrible how-stoned-were-the-animators-seriously-what production values? The story/writing/acting could be great, but the visuals and maybe sound/music were beyond bad on a technical level.

I unironically liked Going Home Club, and plan to buy it when the NISA set comes out. Let's talk about its production values.
I want to finish Fantasia Doll, despite the fact that everything about it is "special."

How many times a day do you eat?

Usually three. I have very little willpower when it comes to snacking, so I don't keep any junk food in my apartment.

How many pairs of shoes do you have?

3. One pair of tennis shoes, one pair of black work shoes (which I actually keep at work), and one pair of nice black shoes which I keep at home.

What did you watch on TV yesterday?

Princess Nine, Haruhi, Angelic Layer, and Doremi. Some of this was on my tablet though.

Favorite breakfast?

My FAVORITE? I like French Toast, maple bars, and giant chocolate muffins. (Oh, and bacon.)
Unfortunately, I seldom allow myself to have these indulgences, so I usually go with English muffins and milk/fruit/etc.
For some reason, I really can't stand cereal.

WHAT!? 5AM!? How do you make yourself wake up that early?!?!

I set my cell phone alarm. My cell is kept in my kitchen, so I have to get up and go turn it off from there.
For whatever reason, I haven't had much trouble waking up these days. That wasn't always the case.


Language: English