

Ask @NickiWhiteXoX

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I cant stop thinking about you, your beautiful. It's impossible for me to forget. Please love me. Like I love you back. I cant cope. I'm breaking apart without. Please. Give me love.


Hey lewis.
I guess I'm just finding it hard to say this to your... habbo? Anyway.
This is what you sent to me: http://livetyping.com/682264.gif#_=_
And I guess... Well, its the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me.
What I'm trying to say is... You mean a lot to me. I respect you're gay.
So its not the same for you.
But, I cant not tell you.
It wont happen again, for various reason but.
I love you. :)

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Love you.

Casey, I'm so glad we're together now, I cant believe we weren't friends before! <3
OMG forgot ROSIE. <3
Georgia I will always support you, no matter what.
Hermy, I'll always respect you, and tell you everything. And envy you enormously. ;)
Tamzin, I love your laugh, and I can tell you anything, I guess you know as much as me, in, that way :D
Holly, I know we've fallen out at the momo, but anyway. I love you, and without you, saying hi to me in class, I wouldn't be one of the gang. :)
Molly, you were my first favourite, I've never had a terrible moment with you.
Mia, Emily. My first besties, I can always tell you everything, and be TOTALLY myself with you. I love you more than words can say.
George, Mak, Cameron, Harry, the new guys in my form, I don't really know you yet, but you seem pretty cool.
Sammy, I guess I kinda secretly liked you, just a little bit, I would say the rest, but, thats a secret. ;)
Tyler, saw you going to the skate park yesterday, when you high fived me and said, 'YES, highfived a girl!' kinda cute. :)
Chloe, Katy, you're both funny, reliable, and always there to talk to.
Kyla, you just always say hi. :)
I guess these are the most important people in my life right now.<3
Hope we be together forever :)

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I love my friends.


im 12 and losin my viginity nex week!!!!!!!!!!

Well, make sure you wear a condom. I mean, you don't wanna make the same mistake you dad made.

When was the last time you danced?

2 minutes ago to the new chromebook advert in my room on my own...
I'm so alone...


You know that feeling when, it feels like theres loads of fireworks setting off inside of you, and you wanna cry, and you wanna laugh, and wanna shout, and you just wanna be young, and mess about, and then cry and think about everything. And you just wanna watch the clouds move.
And when you find out the things that... hurt.
And you loose the people you trust, and who trusted you.
To people you CAN'T trust, and who don't trust you.
People who use you.
People who don't like you, you just the new girl, afterall.
Pretend we're friends with her, just for the sake of it.
I mean, who could break up a 7 year relationship. -_-
Time isn't everything bitch.
The boys who you think like you, but then you realise they act the same with everyone else.
The friends,
Those people who pretend to like you.
Just because their, 'BFF' does.
And just say things like, nobody cares, or shut it, or Ok....., or what the hell..
Yeah, thats you Walshy.
Atleast I have the guts to say it to ya face, bitch.
Not to my 'BFF's' ear.
'Atleast I have friends!'
Atleast I have a mouth and I'm not afraid to use it.
I wish I could rewind the last few years. And start again.
I miss you all.
Don't ever forget me.

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If you were a scientist, what would you invent?

A machine that made whatever you wish for. Mentally and physically.


When you feel empty because you don't have anyone to love,
Waking up in the morning,
And looking forward to seeing no one,
The feeling of hard love,
Or soft love,
Is such an amazing thing,
You miss the feeling of crying about someone,
Even though you hated it at the same time.
You miss the feeling of them asking you to meet up,
The butterflies in your tummy,
When they ask to take you back,
And you fly back into their open arms.
The tears down your cheeks when your world crashes around you,
Everything is spinning.
They don't believe their beautiful,
And you don't understand why,
But they probably think the same about you.
But to save yourself from this world.
Marry them when you have the chance.


When me and Hermy talk about our old friends, and she says she doesn't fit in, I say the same thing about myself. And then I look at her laughing with them, and being picked in all the same school teams, and all her friends shouting 'HERMY!!!' and then I look back on myself, and my friends jokily saying shut up, and then other things, but it goes into more of a insult than a joke, when they look at me and laugh, forget about me when we walk home. I think about what I'd be doing with Mia and Emily.
When my friends ask, 'Who's that?', looking at the pictures of us, I reply with, ' Just somebody that I used to know.',
I believe that everything happens for a reason, I know the reason, but I don't think its worth it. I dream that maybe one day I'll be able to go back there, but it wont be the same, I can't relive two years of lost time. It's never going to happen...
I guess now you ARE just somebody that I used to know...
But I wont let that happen, you're my soul mate, and my life's ambition is to see you again, theres a 1 in 1 million chance I'll make it happen, me being me. Even if everything goes wrong, at least I wont be sitting in that hospital bed wondering what would've happened, because wondering what would've happened, is alot worse than thinking oh I wish I'd never have done that. I guess, its time to make that happen, because I love you Mia, nothing and no one can make me let go accept you, so if you're willing to make it happen...
Then life,

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Mia I know t there is a one to a million chance that you will never read this.
But here we go.
I miss you, you were there for me, no one could call our relationship full proof, but it was enough for me to break in half crying the times I got told I was moving schools in primary, the times I screamed when you weren't coming dancing, the times I was so mad at you when you weren't fun enough, but looking back on that. You never realise how much you've got until it slips away. We've not meet up for ages, since I moved, the times we danced at my sleepover with Emily, the times when it was me and you and we pee'd ourselfs laughing, all the people at Hilton, when me and Farah farted rolling around the floor in primary laughing and hiding under the tables, when me and Emily used to do piggy backs, Hilton didn't really prepare you for anything, people never said a thing to your face, everyone was brought up the same way, it was annoying at sometimes, but looking back it was perfect, don't get me wrong, I love my new friends, but I'm a socialy awkward introvert, in a group full of chatty extroverts, it doesn't work but somehow it does.
But now our relationship has fallen apart to the brink of unfixable, and it wont be the same again. But all those memories we had, I'll never forget, the times when I wished desperately I was you, green with envy at how perfect you were. I know that moving has made an impact on me, and everyone says I've come out of my shell, but they don't understand us. You were that person in my life, that everyone deserves to have. And I wouldn't trade those memories for the world, the times I told myself I wouldn't let them move me, the times we would beg for ten minutes at the park, and then more ten minutes, and slide down the ramps in the skateboard parks on our bums, and watch all the boys climb on the swing bars, and even the time I wanted to run away with you and hid behind the hill on my own until you backed out and told my mum, and then I came and hugged you in the park. When we drew funny pictures and gave them to eachother, and I always thought mine were better than yours. The times when we compared our big stomachs, and 'poo pelits'. Looking back I wish I'd told you how much you meant to me, but I think you knew. It was one of the saddest days of my life on the last day of Hilton, and pretending it was hay fever when I cried about you in class.
I'm crying now so I guess what I want to say is, I love you, and please, don't forget me, because I wont forget you.

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