

Ask @NicoleHole

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who do u have a Crush and why

Rose Ellen Dix coz she fucking hot and this girl on my BBM that has the same name as me ;)

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If you had three wishes, what would they be?

1. For Megan Fox to be in my bed
2. To see my grandad for one last time
3. And to become a professional photographer:)
Liked by: Gemma Rea Boobs

Fuck the haters bby your my wife and that's why I love you your -beautiful -funny -and always there The haters are jel of you

Haha thanks babz tbh I find it funny how I've apparently called someone fat and I love how they don't reply when I asked them who I called fat!! To pussy to say it to my face they have to use annon:) fuckng end of my bells<3
Liked by: Nick Laterman

You wouldn't like it if people kept on calling you fat or something or other horrible names cause you know it would make you feel shit so don't say it to other people!

Haha yeah okay who have I apparently called fat?

Do you miss anyone right now?

I miss missing you, sometimes
I miss hurting you til you cry
I miss watching you as you try
Try not to end up in tears
Begging to get back together
I just want you to be
To be stuck in a second forever
So don't freak out if I Leave
Liked by: john edding


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