
Nihilistic Ninja

Ask @NihilisticNinja

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Do you go anywhere else besides AAO?

Not really, honestly. I can't find any other real communities with cool people who share interests with me. I might branch out in the future, who can say.

What's your fondest memory involving tuna?

ew I hate Tuna. It has an awful texture and it just doesn't taste good. Blegh.

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Who would you want to meet IRL from AAO?

I'd be interested in meeting pretty much anybody! You're all really cool and I'm curious what you're like IRL. But if I had to pick some people...
1. Kwand
2. Dave
3. Wolf
4. Hersh
Liked by: Kwando!

Hello NN. I'm here to throw you under the bus and ask... Why did you like JFA?

Let's see here. Case 1 was really underwhelming but it was a tutorial case so that was to be expected, on some level. (3-1 and 4-1 kind of went above and beyond, which I can certainly respect, but I'm not going to demand all that much from a case when the main purpose is just to explain to the player how to play the game.) But I found Case 2 really interesting- I liked the crime and thought that the whole twist at the end was decently neat, even if I saw it coming (but then, you typically do with AA.) Case 3 I had a lot of problems with, but I can respect what they were trying to do with Acro, and I do think there was some potential there for a neat crime, especially with the whole "The killer flew away" aspect to it.
I really enjoyed Case 4. I found the whole Adrian-Juan-Celeste dynamic absolutely fascinating and Adrian a really interesting character besides. She was a decent red herring that managed to be more than just a one-note gag character and I really respected that about her. I also liked how it kind of disrupted the typical AA formula, and I feel tried to trick you on a meta level by making Engarde look so obviously guilty.
I liked Franziska as a character. She was really immature and childish, but I felt like that was part of the point. She was still a kid that was trying to step into shoes that she just couldn't fit into, because there really can be only one Manfred von Karma. I liked her arc where she realized that she needed to stop trying to pretend to be somebody else and make her own path. She was also still a decent opponent at times and actually challenged you somewhat, unlike some OTHER prosecutors I could name.
I also liked how JFA attempted to give really solid motives to the Case 2 and 3 murders, only to subvert that right afterwards with 4. (1 kind of ruins the pattern somewhat by Wellington basically being your typical AA criminal, but eh. I tend to ignore 2-1.) Most of the characters were decently entertaining and aside from a couple in Case 3 there weren't too many that I hated that I wasn't supposed to hate, which was nice.
And I liked Pearl. She was pretty cute.

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why do you hate ami

I don't hate Ami. Ami is cool. I think she's an interesting character with a good deal of depth if you look for it. Her archetype tends to annoy people, I think, and I can completely understand that. But if you look beyond the surface there's a good deal to like. And she does evolve throughout the story in kind of subtle ways; got says that Ami really looks better on a rewatch, and I think that's probably true. So yeah, I'm a fan of Ami.
Wait, which Ami are we talking about again?

(i actually like jfa too)

Wow we should make a fanclub. We could get all the JFA fans together and that'd be like... 8 other people, right there!

Be honest.

I was honest. You caught me. Whoever you are, you are too good at this. I couldn't handle the pressure of your intense questioning.

Favorite Legendary Pokemon?

Probably Articuno, though I really like Registeel's design, and Latias is pretty cool too.

Who supports you in your life?

People on AAO support me a lot, especially people like Hersh and Dave. Outside of AAO it's mostly my family. They're great and I dunno what I'd do without them..

can you walk like an egyptian?

Egyptians would just walk like other humans wouldn't they? And I'm a human. So yeah, I guess I could.

fite me

I dunno man, I think I'd be tough to beat. I have "Years of sitting on my bed and watching anime" on my side. Are you SURE you really want to face off against that?

Favourite magical girl OF ALL TIME?

Uuuuuugh that's hard.
Let's make it a top 5!
5. Setsuna Higashi- Fresh Pretty Cure
4. Kyouko Sakura- PMMM
3. Utena Tenjou- Revolutionary Girl Utena
2. Sailor Uranus- Sailor Moon
1. Hayate Yagami- Nanoha
Liked by: Kwando!

Merry Christmas, NN! What's the best Christmas present you've ever gotten?

Hmm... honestly I don't know for sure. Like, I like a bunch of my gifts and all for different reasons so I'm not sure I could really pin down one that was my favorite and be able to explain why coherently. I've gotten a computer before and that was an awesome present, so I guess if I had to pick one that'd be it.

Do you consider yourself smart?

Not really? Or at least, I think there's a lot of people that are a lot smarter than me. Think I'm pretty low on the totem pole when it comes to intelligence, really.

What is your mission?

To save the world from devastation.
To unite all peoples within our nation.
To denounce the evils of truth and love
And extend my reach to the stars above!

Are you really NN? (d)

Is anybody "really NN"? Are you sure that being NN isn't a state of mind, or a plane of thought? Perhaps everybody could "be NN" if they really tried to be. Perhaps if they all looked, they would find that the true NN... is in themselves.
But yeah, I'm totally NN.
Liked by: sleuth

Language: English