

Ask @Nikollleetttaaa

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Don't worry! It was nothing, made me smile too.. :') If you wish I'll drop you a message again tomorrow evening? <3

awwww:')if you wantt in a friendly way ofc:)))<33

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you are stunning you should be a model!:)

im not:(im too much off a ballaty to be model they have perfect everything then theres worlds biggest mongo i could be the person who models before a makeover like the minger:DDD but fankkooos <3

I don't care even if you are! (which you are not!) But good! :')

im the biggest mong going ahhahhah:PPPawwwww thankyouu agaiin

Wow! Someone's a cutie and very gorgeous! :')

wow someones blind and has clicked the wrong girl:') But tahnkyou :)))

whoever that prick is needs to grow the fuck up! the person is obviously jealous of you nicole! and the fact they do it on anon makes me laugh even more tbh! you are the most down to earth girl i have ever known and shouldnt get shit about anything as you are nothing like they have said! ly (e.w) xx

EMILY WOODLANDS:')awwww thankyou this means so much i honestly have the nicest friends ever love you so muchhh <3333333333333

for every piece of shit they've given, I will put a piece of shit on their doorstep mwahaha

awww josh:')thats so disgusting but cute and caring at the same time thankyou so much:)

If i find out who that fucking prick is i dont care if its a girl ill smash theyre fucking face in!Love you nicole your beautiful here for you xxx

noooo violence is not the answer ahhaah:)but thankyou so much lots of love Nicole teh mong:')xxxxx

Nicole omg ilysm you don't deserve any hate!so fuck the haters they can go fuck themselvles,they're soo pathetic its a joke,I'm here for bby and so is everyone else:*xxxxxx

i actually love my friends:')thankyou so much heidi ilyy222 :* <333333333

ahahah oh no not the hormones;)<3 hehee xxxxxxxxxxxxx<33333 i lovess youss big hugs tomoz just igonre them girlyy<3333xxxxxxxxx

yeess goood old hormoneess;)thankkyououu i needd sommee:)))lovvve youuuu toooo <3333333333

Right I don't usually get angry or belittle myself...but what that person said to you is so unacceptable and spiteful! What joy do they get out of sitting behind a computer screen upsetting people without them knowing? Love you forever and always Nicole ignore the immature prick :) xo

Alexia Alexandrides
i need a big cuddle right now:(feel like poop and well i need to find out who it is ive obviosly upset them but love you alexia :)))xxxxxx

The only thing i would change about you is that you're so insecure, you're so beautiful but I know no matter how many times people tell you that, you're not gunnu beleive it! But you just have to beleive everybody when they tell you that you are!

awwww evryones so nice:(i cant believe something thats not true:)tahnkyou x

hehe its okay but its the truth!, and you are and im sure there some weirdo who is jel of you just ignore them nicoleyy<3:') its doesnt mater what one person thinks its bout what the majority think and i kno the majority love you to bits<3:') xxxxxxxxxx

this means so much right now it doesnt help im hormonal ahah but thankyou so much no ones jel of my mongoness;Dxxxxxxxx

dont worry bout it babyy everyone loves you and you get so many amazing compliments on here so dont owrry and youve got so many friends dont worry bout them you and lex are boottifull;)<3! xxxxxxx

awwww:')that means so much its unreal:'(but im not i need to know who it is and ask them whats up i hate peopel being upset its not fair:(<3333333

Whoever the fuck just said that to you calling you pathetic is a dick, sorry there the pathetic one for sayin it on anon instead of to your face. You are perfect who cares what they say I can't find a fault in you cos in my eyes your perfect! Your both my bestfriends I hope you know who this is:)xxx

of course i know who this is i need cuddles with you so badlyy:'(i have a lcue who it is and i know theyre upset but you know what smile and keep going lifes too short:DLOve you <3333333
Liked by: chlo

I think i speak on behalf of everybody except that fucktard that just sent you the message but just ignore it nicole, everybody loves you because you're not horrible to anybody! That person is clearly 100% retarded and they clearly dont know you if they think any of that stuff!

Nathan Taylor (✔)
Aww nathan im so hormonal right now im crying #sympathysearching:')but that means so much:(

people give you hate and its funny how you dont reply to your hate to make you look perfect, well your not, your pathetic tbh, why dont you just answer honestly, you'd get more respect, instead of trying ot be popular and perfect when your not:/

ive had one piece of hate on here and it hurt my feelings alot its not nice for other people to have to read it and see it:)im not perfect im the biggest mong going,im not popular im just a mongo but i just hope whoever you are you can talk to me at school so you can tell me what ive done then i can apologise for whatever ive upset you about:(<3


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