

Ask @NinaaIkenaasio

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who are tha poly boys in ur grade nd wat are they like ?

Ew why u wana no 4 ? Lol just kidding
- trini
- joe
- miracle
- uili
- fetaui
- Fred
- Reimana
- Vernon
- Cruz
- mana hala
- mana fox
- Lorenzo
- Sam
- Ethan
- jaymez
They're all (excluding 1) nice, kickback, funny, cool to chill with & talk to :) most of them are easy to talk to lol
Liked by: Rajelli Vmoss™

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hahaaha seen you carving everyone up in handball

Not really carving up with the boys being cheapies ;) jk! Are you a fob? In my year or year 11? Ahahah
Liked by: Rajelli Vmoss™

How come the Poly girls and boys play handball now instead of going to the oval lol

Idk? Probs because its too far or too sunny lol only like 3 or 4 of the boys go up to the oval! Btw what year are you in?
Liked by: Rajelli Vmoss™

What was going on between Fred & Trini ? They were gonna scrap or sumthinn Keen fight aha!

Don't waarryy anon! I had talked to both of them about it & they algoods now :) am I like the best peace-maker or what?? AHAHAHAHA jk! not sure about the scrap tho? zzz but that's it tho, it's done finito uma!! It's in the past now :)
Liked by: Rajelli Vmoss™

Haha. Yeah but they were cool after that :L Apparently when alice talked to him he walked off saying "slut" lol. so i heard....

Tbh I don't get how people can fight then be "good" after it happens! There's like no point having the scrap in the first place lol but then again I would do it too :p
Liked by: Rajelli Vmoss™

Making the same mistake at keiran. tsk tsk tsk! Y'all never learn! King bfn right here!!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! I felt sorry for him ayeee! :/ it was unfair tbh! But he started it lol
Liked by: Rajelli Vmoss™

Tag team?? Hahaha! You got top? I got bottom? :L

Hahahahaha brina is this you? & nah you on top I'm on bottom oi!! Don't wanna squash you AHAHAHAHHAHAHA :*
Liked by: Rajelli Vmoss™

im not worrying ! i saw u to talking today at secnd brake ? uz were talking for ages to ? wander wat about ???

Yeah we were talking, so what? Doesn't mean I like him! & it's none of ya bidness what we was talking about bishhh!! Just worry about yourself & your fk'd up spelling/vocab/grammar! Which ever bitchhh :)) if I find out who this is, I'll honestly give you a good hit to the mouth :) :*
Liked by: Rajelli Vmoss™

HAHAHAHAHAHA! @What Ponytail? Saddddd dudeee! Sheettt Nina! Stop with the black hate :L We all know you were the one that tied her hair up :L Hahahaha!

Liked by: Rajelli Vmoss™


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