
Nisha Rafiq

Eiman arshad got excluded from school just some time before these holidays, she got excluded for a week! Behaviour and shit, shows how much discipline they have in that school, she's fake, no wonder she got excluded, no respect for elders and makes out she all 'religious' with statuses on fb

Okay yano what don't chat shit about others just because you have no life!!! Sending the same shit to everyone are you jealous of her that you saying this to everyone? No one actually really cares its her life, her choices, her mistakes and from that she learns so hush your mouth! Its her life and no she hasen't been excluded alryt now stfu and sit down and get a fucking life!!
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Latest answers from Nisha Rafiq

you dont so much haram things you don't deserve him he is better than you

Okay but i've learnt my lesson and i can proudly say i have changed into a much better human being. You're no one to judge only Allah has the right to judge everyone.

are you pregnant saw you and you have gone faat

No i'm not pregnant, and just because i've gained weight doesn't mean i'm pregnant lol.

Why dont you answrr my questions??

That's because they might be some of the pointless questions sitting in my question box.

Language: English